Who you would like to thank for being there?

  1. My family and current friends. They’ve been there throughout some of the worse times of my life and now when I’m doing much better. Also my doggo for always making me smile when I come home from work even after a shitty day

  2. I would like to thank my mother.

    She didn’t get to raise me personally because after my dad divorced her and a bunch of other life trauma, she fell to drug and alcohol abuse and to this day is in and out of rehab due to relaspes.

    All that being said…she gave my brother and I up to stay with more well off relatives so we’d have a better future with education and opportunity. Even when she was in hospitals, she never failed to call and ask about us. When she had a dollar to spare, she’d mail use field trip money and nice letters with drawings she did. When we did get to see her, it was always wonderful.

    Life put my mother through hell she never got to recover from, but she never let that change her heart and is the #1 person in my life who never fails to say “I love you and I’m proud of you” regularly. I will defend and praise her to my death.

  3. My colleagues at my current job. The work environment is very much like a family. They were there for me before and during my divorce. They have done so much for my kids, as well. I couldn’t ask for better people in my life.

  4. I’d thank my grandma, who raised me all alone and did the best she could. I think about her every day.

  5. I’m female and my only friend right now is male. We started out as Tinder matches, hooked up once and now we’re genuine friends with no intention of hooking up again or starting a relationship (sexually AND relationship wise we’re incompatible). He has been here more for me during the last months than other people in the 41 years of my life. Breast cancer scare, flashbacks due to an abusive relationship, deception because I caught feelings for someone who didn’t feel the same way for me… I could go on. He always finds the right words right when I need them. I met a new guy and one of the first things I said was:”My only friend is male. If this is an issue you and I won’t go any further.” Whenever I thank him for just being there he’s so humble… acting like being here for me is normal. I just love him to pieces (in a platonic way) and I’m so happy and thankful to have him in my life.

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