We were as close as you can get to dating without the label or at least that’s the impression he gave. Maybe that’s on me, and it’s definitely on me for not dropping it after I walked in on him with one of my friends, but he worked his way back in and said he loved me and all such things. Anyways I haven’t been able to sleep much thinking about it so I caved and went through his phone and you know what they say, you’ll always find what you’re looking for. So he’s currently living at my parents place (after the walking in on him and proclamation fiascos) and my entire family has just assumed we’re dating because of our dynamic and he takes full advantage of that. I’m in the living room right now debating what to do… right now my plan is just to leave him a note saying I’m done with being used and I don’t care what he does anymore then drive the 4 hours to my apartment (I don’t live with my parents) and block him. Should I go through with it or talk to him in person in the morning to let him know what’s up?

  1. Tell him it’s over don’t give him any reason it will eat him up and send a message not face to face . Tell him while his at he should leave your partners house ASAP !Then block him .You will have your revenge then !

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