Officially in a relationship 🙂

I’ll leave you all with this, fellas, if you’re struggling, keep the faith. I was single for over 2 years, didn’t have sex or any sexual contact within that entire time, felt alone, sad, pathetic and depressed, thought I’d die this way. The woman for you is out there somewhere and when she comes along it’ll all be worth it.

  1. Congratulations my duuude. I wish you both long and happy relationship.
    We need more positive posts like this.

  2. Congratulations!!! Keep being an inspiration to the broken. I hope you two will always work and stick together.

  3. 2 years?! Man if I could touch a girl every two years that would probably do wonders for my self esteem and worth in life.

  4. 2 years isn’t really that long lol.

    Congrats! Hopefully you won’t have to ever endure online dating hell ever again!

  5. its been 2 years for me and doesnt seem like it will change anytime soon but im happy for you bro! 👏🏻 congrats man.

  6. I did the same exact thing, took 2 years off from women. Figured I’d do me for a while and when the time is right I’ll meet the right girl. And I did, shes great and what I was kinda waiting for.
    Well done sir

  7. It’s been four years for me haha, it’s alright though. I’ll just continue cuddling with my pillow during lonely nights and hitting the gym in the mornings.

  8. I prefer to sit on my hand till it falls asleep then perform “the stranger” on myself. No drama or money spent. 🙂

  9. Happy for you bro . Ijust have to put this out there . If you cannot find happiness alone and within yourself you cannot find it elsewhere . Im not trying to pull a fast one or what not just please dont let your life be defined by other ppl . Try to be the hero of your own story my guy .

  10. Hey congrats. What changed for you to go from 2 years without, to being ready for the opportunity to meet + date your girlfriend?

  11. Congratulations!!!! Was it a slow burn or a fast fall, if you don’t mind me asking? Chronically single over here lol

  12. I can only imagine what it’s like to be in a relationship. 30 y/o never been in one, doubt I’ll ever be. Happiness will not come to me in this lifetime.

  13. I got bad news for you, if you felt sad, pathetic and depressed because you didn’t have a partner, thats only going to affect the relationship. Please do not put all the responsibility of your happiness on someone else. Is unfair, toxic and ruins beautiful things. Work on being happy alone, without anyone or you are going to be so codependent on that person which only causes issues.

  14. Oof it seems like ur genuine post turned out to be a mostly bad post. I mean I can kinda agree with the general consensus tho. Single for 2 years isn’t much compared to others that went 10+. Saying the line of “the woman for u is out there”…..if u have been on this reddit reading different posts u would kno not to ever say that cause it’s a trigger statement. Congrats on being in a relationship but yikes on the post bro lol

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