I (29M) met this girl (25F) 6 months ago. She have been in a long distance relationship for about 2 years now but during the last year
she saw him twice. About a month ago she
broke up with him because of several
reasons: cultural, long distance, not enough
support from him, etc. During this time we were pretty close friends and hangout almost
every weekend, nothing suspicious and tbh I never had any intentions because she was already in a relationship. One
day we went out and got a couple of drinks,
we ended up a bit drunk and she told me
she liked me a lot. This was a surprise to me
because I thought she still was in her long
distance, it turn out she broke with him
a few days ago. Fast forward that day we ended up
kissing and hooking, next day she felt guilty (I guess) and ghosted me for the entire day. Then she started texting me again as if nothing had happened, we started hanging out again as a friends but we ended up hooking up every time, we agreed on being FWB and put some agreements to that relationship, but now almost one month later, things are getting a bit out of control, we’ve started kissing, hugging and flirting in public and we even went to a cinema to watch movies, this is starting to feel like a relationship but without the title/label and honestly I don’t know how to react. I like her and I’d like to have something with her but It just doesn’t feel the right time, she still needs to process her breakout (I guess) and I don’t want to be in the middle of that process, I also feel quite guilty because of how things ended up with her ex. I feel like we are heading to a no return point and if I don’t do anything about it I might lose her friendship but also it doesn’t feel to be the right time to ask her if she would like to try a relationship in the future. Thoughts on this are very appreciated.

1 comment
  1. If you like her, tell her that and schedule some dates. If you don’t like her, tell her you’re not interested.


    She‘s a person who doesn’t need you worrying about “the right time after a break up”. She seems adult enough to think for herself. If you really care about how she feels, you can ask her, but the vibe I’m getting from your post is that you’re not interested and just projecting a bunch of emotions and assumptions on to her. It’s not always a bad thing to step back and take a break to get your own shit in order.

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