am in college. I ran into my classmate in the dorm hallway and she said hi and asked me for my number. She seemed super normal and nice, although she was kind of quiet the next few times we ran into each other. Then recently she called me by accident and we somehow struck up a text conversation from there. We haven’t even had a normal casual conversation in person yet.

I’m not exactly worried or anything, but I am wondering what it means that she started texting me a lot and very casually. Not sure if she thinks we clicked very well or something (we haven’t really had an opportunity to), if it’s because she thinks I really clicked with her because I asked if she wants to grab lunch after clas next wk, or if she treats everyone like this, but she’s very sarcastic and snarky and generally has been texting me like I would a best friend. Normally I love it when people are genuine and treat me like a friend right off the bat, but I’ve found these texts to be a little unnerving? She’s already texted me stuff like “I hate you” and it didn’t hurt my feelings or anything because it was said in an obvious joking way, but we’ve only really talked like once or twice… She definitely seems normal and has socials and everything, I guess I was just really surprised at how she has suddenly been texting me a lot and as if I’m a good friend.

Am I seriously overthinking this? Is there any point in thinking about this?

TL;DR College classmate accidentally called my phone and we struck up a text convo. She has been texting me and keeping the convo going all day and generally acting like how I would to a really good friend, which is a little startling/unnerving

  1. From only what you’ve described here, I don’t see any red flags. There are some folks you encounter in life who seem to (outwardly) be comfortable with you in a sudden manner, which often shocks the rest of us who open up more slowly. The reasons for this are as different as the people who do it, so by itself it doesn’t really mean anything, especially in the context of a college dorm where trying to make friends is a norm.

    Since she lives in your building, a really casual way to turn it from texting into building a friendship IRL would be asking her if she wants to go together to the dining hall at your normal meal time. Kidding around in person could help temper the text avalanche.

  2. To me it just sounds like she got a good feeling from you and wants to be your friend. Do you want to be her friend? Ask her to get lunch with you after class. If you won’t want to be her friend, you can distance yourself (take a long time to respond to texts, for example).

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