[30m] but I look 20-25. I’d like to find older women to sleep with. Preferably no strings attached. Does anyone have any tips please?

  1. All these suggestions are fucking horrible and require 0 effort. Here is where I have met older women.

    Grocery Stores and Target (Target is bubbling cauldron of estrogen urning to fuck and be fucked).

    I nicer restaurant with a bar in it. Mid week you’ll find a lady sitting by herself. Sit two seat over. Strike up a conversation. She will be drinking Chardonnay or a mixed drink of some type. (White wine and vodka drinks you have a good chance , red wine your going to have to put in some work but still doable)

    Holy shit airports. Don’t get me started on how easy that is.

    The gym.

    Don’t drink White Claw in public

    But it all boils down to this: Be confident, I cannot stess enough use eye contact. Have a sense of humor be able to make them laugh. Clean clothes and hygiene. Keep asking them questions about themselves if she want to know about you she will ask. don’t use the words MILF or cougar, be smart, be polite and have some sort of game/swagger for fucks sake. Be able to hold a conversation. Know what’s going on in the world to an extent. For Gods sake don’t wear a hat backwards ever! It doesn’t hurt to act a bit aloof like you don’t care too much if you get laid. If you appear desperate they will bolt. If you act like your genuinely interested in talking their interest will be peaked.

    Good looking older women usually have a few options. They are attracted to confidence, brains and security. Even if it’s for a fling they just aren’t going to take your word for it that your interesting you have to prove it.

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