So, me (18M) and my ex (18F) broke up about 2 months ago. I felt devasted and couldn’t think of anything else but her for weeks, everything I did, I did thinking of getting her back. It was like that until last week, when I met a girl (18F) who slowly started growing on me.

She sitted on the desk in front of mine, in class. I had never seen her there, so I asked her name, where she was from and yadda yadda. Turns out our parents are good friends and we met before when we were kids. She is really smart, cute and we share a lot of interests and goals. I’m falling for her, and I think she likes me too.

Problem is, right now, my parents told me her dad told them she has a recent history of severe depression and social anxiety. She told me about the last, excused herself about lacking social skills once (I didn’t think she did) and said she doesn’t have many friends. That’s ok for me, I used to be really shy too and only made good friends here, in college.

I had no idea about the depression, and fear I might hurt her if things don’t go right. I know how much a heartbreak hurts, and now I know she is likely very emotionally fragile. I also don’t know if I’m developing feelings too fast because of my recent breakup and am feeling sort of confused. So, any advice would be appreciated.

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