(sorry if this is jumbled i’m just speaking freely right now) to keep things short, my (m20) girlfriend (f18) of almost 3.5 years broke up with me last week. She told me the whole “i don’t know if we’ll get back together i’m not saying we will but i’m not saying we won’t”. I’m trying to do what’s best for me and not hold onto anything and just live my life. The last 6 months of our relationship was pretty rocky and i tried my best to be the best boyfriend I could and put in 100% effort and felt nothing from the other side. Every time we hung out i was walking on eggshells and i realize now how stressful that was. I feel like she hasn’t appreciated any of the dates or anything i did for her. This girl that I used to talk to a few months before my ex is in my mind now and I want to ask her on a date. I don’t want to be with this girl, I just want to take someone on a date and be myself and know that they appreciate it. I’m really looking for nothing more. I feel like this is a rebound, but maybe i just want validation that I was being a good boyfriend, it’s hard to tell my thoughts have been very clouded recently. Part of me is holding onto the idea that my ex will want to get back together with me and I feel like if I ask this other girl on a date and my ex finds out she’d be pissed at me and not want me back.

tldr: I want to hear other peoples opinion on going on a date with an “ex” when going through a break/breakup from a long term relationship.

1 comment
  1. You broke up you have the right to pursue anyone you wish but do it honestly not as a rebound. If you are generally interested no risk no reward.

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