We spent more than 3 years together although we lived in the different countries (i traveled 4 times to her country and she visited mine 3 times). My last trip from her country to mine it was supposed to be my last. It was also supposed to be a short trip but when I was there a family member got cancer so I stayed with her. Then the pandemy started in 2020 and my visa expired so I got stuck in my country.

Although we broke up (she did) we kept in touch. We text a few messages every week.

A few months ago I received a new visa and after I told my ex she started checking my Whatsapp’s status 4 or 5 times every week.

When I told my ex gf the day I was traveling she began checking my profile 1 time per week. The days before my travel she began checking my profile again almost everyday like she wanted to know if I did travel.

She was very distant until we saw because I had to pick up a lot of things that I had left in her appartement. We met in some park near her place and since she was distant I thought that she was going to give me my things and leave after a few minutes. We ended up talking for more than 3 hours and when she was leaving I told her if she wanted to have a dinner. She said that she couldn’t that day but that we could do it in another time.

I got surprised that she didn’t say that we shouldn’t have dinner because she had a BF.
I was almost sure she had a BF but she never mentioned she did. The 3 days after we met she started responding my messages faster and she began using emoticons like she used to when we were together (after we broke up she was very formal but not playful).
After 3 good days she began again being distant. I asked her if she wanted to have that dinner during the weekend and she said that she couldn’t that weekend but we will in another time.

A few days ago I asked if she had done something special on the day off she had and.she said that she visited the mall WITH her BF.
During 3 years she had plenty of opportunities to say something like this but she always spoke in first person.
I said that he was a lucky guy and she asked me about something trivial. I didn’t respond her because I wasn’t in the mood of pretending that I was ok. Since then she checks again everyday my Whatsapp status.

I think she got some doubts after we met but then she changed her mind.
I never check my ex’s Whatsapp status or Instagram stories (I deleted them)

TL:DR my Ex GF (34F) although she has a bf still checks my Whatsapp status 4 or 5 times every week. Since I moved in to her country/city she does it almost every day but she acts distant

  1. Not everyone let’s go easily so if she has doubts and or with regrets she plays what if games in her head and checks the app. There could be some unfinished business but she probably won’t share it.

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