29M I’m a single black man that prefers dating black women. I pretty much fit into all the superficial categories that women talk about online, no kids, 6’3, athletic, educated, make a little less than 200k a year, and my job is remote so I can move anywhere in the country.

My current problem is it I can’t figure out a good place to live as a black man especially for dating. Pretty much everywhere I’ve considered seem to have a terrible dating scene for black ppl. Atlanta all the women are materialistic and/or chasing celebs, Miami is similar to Atlanta, Chicago is so segregated that I won’t find any black women unless I live in the middle of the hood, rent in New York is 5000 a month(not a horror story but that feels like such a waste of money), LA I haven’t heard much about.

Playing the field has worked for me up until this point and I could continue doing it but ideally I would want to find one woman that I’d consider ideal and get out of the dating scene. I’ve been in Boston most of my life and have met a few women I would’ve been willing to settle down with but they mostly went to Harvard and had no interest in marriage or anything of the sort, which is fine but obviously not ideal for anything long term.

I’m just tryna get some advice on where a single black men should move in this day and age. Also I’m liberal if that makes any difference

  1. ATLANTAAAAAAAAAAAAAA oh wait u disrespected Atlanta in ur post why bro it’s awesome here🫤

  2. I’d advise living in the cities you crossed off for a few months first and see if those assumptions ring true. If you want to date a BW we need to go to where Black ppl live. Major cities and the South.

    Research which cities in the US have a high Black percentage and go from there.

  3. Well since you crossed out all the places I figured you’d want to hear, don’t be scared of Texas bro, we have amazing women down here. Why not Dallas? DFW is a very fun place to live, nice weather, very affordable living compared to other places in the country.

  4. Charlotte or Atlanta. Charlotte is prob more your speed. Atlanta is bigger with bigger city problems. I wouldn’t dismiss it from your list so fast.

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