Men, how do you show you care about someone?

  1. Literally being there and not just saying I’m there for you. If something bad happened to someone and they’re going through a lot of shit I’ll come over at 3am on a work night if they ask.

  2. I don’t.

    Because if you show someone you care about them it leaves you extremely vulnerable and makes you look weak. And every time I’ve put myself in that position I’ve been fucked over, ridiculed, and dismissed.

    No daily hugs, no thoughtful texts, no random gifts, no cutesy stuff.

    If I care about someone, I will do it without showing it.

  3. Usually if you hear me start giving advice on important things irl to someone, I do it because I care for them. As I’ve grown more mature, I’ve become more selective of the people I share such advice.

  4. I look out for them and bring up whatever i feel like needs to be brought up in private, but never to the point where they should feel pressured to say X and Y.

  5. You stop asking questions like this, you start doing. When your heart breaks, you show yourself anyway, be there for yourself.

  6. I send them music and remember small things they tell me

    I make an effort to spend time with them. This is the big one, I’m not a huge fan of being with people, so if I go out of my way to try and hang out, I really like you

  7. I let her move in with a dog. I have a strong dislike for living with dogs. But my appreciation for her is more than my dislike for the dog.

  8. With my time.

    Anyone can buy a gift. Anyone can write a letter. Some people can even write nice ones.

    But time is the most expensive, most precious gift there is. And spending it on someone special, without distractions (electronic or otherwise) is the ultimate way to show you care.

  9. Remembering little things. Fav foods, birthdays, book/movies, interests, and little quirks that make people unique.

  10. Listening. Nothing shows you care more to a person than actively listening. I had a real problem of waiting my turn to talk and would get to the end of them talking to add my piece. It took a lot of work but active listening has improved every relationship (platonic, family, romantic) that I’ve been in since.

  11. Music for sure. It’s such a big part of my life. If I’m sending you music it’s because I care alot about you, I can express everything and anything through the songs I send.

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