What thought drains your energy, why?

  1. When a female friend says you did something big that’s wrong but she never did. And in a way that is public and hard to confront OFTEN. And that ‘something’ he has done more than you.

    And it all runs around in your head.

  2. The thought of the deep roots of patriarchy being stuck within our society by constructing cages for women like menstruation taboos, household chores, motherhood and expecting them to not want anything more than it. Who set the world? And why can’t woman live the way they want?

    It drains my energy because I realise how patriarchy resides even in us women. That we won’t be able to completely let go of taboos for a really long time. It drains my energy to remember so many woman still suffering due to this expectation. The realisation itself is draining.

  3. it’s so draining when I think about how I’m no one’s first person haha. no best friend. no partner. I’m never the first choice lol

  4. The thought of how little i have progressed in life over the last 4 years compared to my peers. Same relationship, same flat, same day to day routine (im a stay at home wife).

  5. The war in Ukraine. My home country is right next to it. The thought of it being invaded next is stressful aside from what’s going in Ukraine. I feel for the families that have gone through so much.

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