I’ve just gone through a process this morning to basically get myself started for this boot camp. Does anybody have any tips or suggestion or just things I should know before I go into this?

Also do you guys think it would be wise to also get a part time job whilst doing this?

Also is it really worth it, i’ve already gone ahead with it but is it really worth it?

  1. Hey I did one of these, if your interested in some tips drop a reply to this. I’m just about to go into a meeting and don’t have time to write right now.

  2. Just posted this on another thread, It stands here.

    Not to put a downer on this, But you might be disillusioned by it by the end. The industry is crying out for people who have strong fundamentals. A-lot of these courses promise the earth then you struggle to get a job without anything else or relevant industry experience.

    If you are going into it without any basic fundamental knowledge you might struggle but I don’t know your background. I have interviewed for hundreds of posts over the years and loads of certs is a red flag for me. Certs are easy to pass the exam. People get suckered in by the marketing. If you are keen and interested you could get a junior role and learn on the job. Certs have their place, They are meant to be complimentary rather than a route in.

    QA are a massive learning provider. They do a-lot of technical courses, Done quite a few courses with them over the years and they are quite decent. All the tutors were ex industry people and knew their stuff. That’s the only one I know of.

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