So my post seems silly compared to other post here and I don’t even know if this kind of post is allowed here in r/relationships but please hear me out!

So we met online through discord and we’ve been talking to each other online for about 2 months now and I’m bad at communicating but it’s more like I have a difficulty on initiating conversations and finding topics to talk about and making the convo last longer but I can express my feelings without problem.

I also told her that I’m bad at communicating outside of my comfort zone and with other people I’m not very close to(Like classmates, strangers, etc) and I’m not even that close with anyone except my 2 friends(I’m also not close with my family) so I don’t have that much experience going into conversations and I’m just spouting random nonsense bullshit with my friends so I can’t do that with other people and Covid also came so I haven’t gotten new interactions with new people for almost 2 years until my friend invited me on using Discord again so my talking skills degraded.

She’s the one who starts talking most of the time but I’m worried that she’ll be uninterested when I keep being passive and just wait for her to start talking first.

I would also like to use this chance to improve my communication skills for the sake of my future and get comfortable speaking with people I’m not close to.

TL;DR: Basically, I’m a person who’s bad at talking to strangers and the person I like hence I would like to improve my communication skills so I need advice on what to do.

1 comment
  1. My best advice for this is just saying good morning everyday. It’s an easy way to start a conversation. Talk about her interests and find a way to add your interests into the conversation. It’ll be hard at first but you’ll get used to it

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