I’ve experienced this a lot, especially on apps like Instagram and Snapchat where it automatically notifies you if someone sees or opens your message. Obviously, nobody likes getting left on read, unless the conversation is at a natural endpoint and they happened to send the last message. But is getting on delivered worse? I used to think so, but I’m not so sure anymore. It could indicate that the person doesn’t care enough to even open your message, sure but it could also be they simply did not see the message or intended to reply later and simply forgot. Even if it happens consistently the person could just be bad at responding to text messages and is not necessarily an indication they don’t care about you. I mean if you text someone 5 times in a row and they never respond that’s not a great sign; but in other cases, it could be more a reflection of the other person and not necessarily that they don’t care about you. What do you think?

1 comment
  1. Both suck. Delivered is a pretty bad feeling, they see that you messaged, but don’t want to open it cause then they’ll feel obligated to reply.

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