Personally, I don’t see myself getting another pet once my current cat passes. Mostly because I wouldn’t want to have to deal with the loss again when the time comes for the new pet to pass.

  1. We’re at an age where when the last dog dies in the next 12-15 years, we’re going to be traveling. It’s hard to travel if you have pets.

  2. My good boy passed nearly 6 years ago and his wife 2 years ago. I’m ready for another dog but I want him/her to have a yard. Which means I have to buy a house first. Almost there.

  3. No way

    My dog got killed years ago and I never thought about getting another one

    My heart only fits for one 4 legged creature and that’s my good boy Hunter RIP buddy your man is as loyal as you were

  4. I’ve actually never adopted before! My cat just passed and he was one that just showed up on my door. It’s actually the 3rd time I’ve had a cat just adopt me..
    I don’t think I would adopt, but I sure do miss my cuddle buddy. He was the biggest love bug

  5. Probably. My wife and I have fostered over a dozen dogs and had 6 of our own at one point.

    We have two boys under 3 right now so we’ve taken a break, but we’ll be back at it in a couple years.

    Invariably there is always a dog that doesn’t receive adoption interest, my wife will get me drunk, and we’ll agree to adopt it. That’s how we ended up with our most recent pups.

  6. I had to re-home my last pet because I became homeless, but when I got my feet back underneath me I made the decision that I would not get another one because I can’t afford to take care of them, it wouldn’t be fair to keep them in an apartment alone for most of the day and as much as I love animals, I couldn’t take it if something happened to them and they would be doomed if something happened to me. So no, no plans to get another animal.

  7. No. My family got a dog when I left for college, and I never had a say in it. Now, I’m kinda stuck with it.

  8. I lost a cat like 18 years ago and didn’t think I would ever want another one. Then 11 years ago another cat just showed up at my house and I took him in. Now I have 4.

  9. Yes, without a doubt.

    Our dogs mean everything to us, in fact, three of four are sleeping on the couch with me at the moment.

    There are so many pups in need of a good home, how can you not adopt?

    We’ve had several pups pass due to old age and miss them terribly. We’ve got so many photos and memories, we talk about them all the time. Missing them does hurt but think of all the good times and joy you bring them.

    If you’re able to provide a pup a good life, go ahead.

  10. No.
    We have an 11 yo chocolate (&grey) lab who I adore and get emotional at the thought of him not being around anymore.
    His vet bills are big but… What can you do.
    He is the perfect dog now he’s old and chill but I have no want to toilet train a puppy and have it chew up all our furniture and wreck our garden and worst of all, make me love it.
    Although it pains me to say I do not hate the idea of having a house free of dog hair.

  11. I have a Female German Shepherd who thinks she’s a lap dog. She loves sleeping, car rides, and the dog park. She keeps me company almost all the time. I joke around and call her my dogter. I try not to think about her passing one day, she’s only 4 years old right now.

  12. I honestly don’t know and talk myself in either direction depending on the day.

    Love my cats and I like having them around, but I also think about selling my house and downsizing into an apartment sometimes and *every* rental around here is either no pets or charges an exorbitant pet fee.

  13. My puppy is only 3 years old. He’s easily the best thing I’ve ever gotten for myself. But at the same time I know I won’t handle him passing well, and even regret giving myself future pain (it’s worth it). So no, at-least at the moment I can’t imagine myself getting another good boy, because I’d have already had the best boy possible.

  14. I have other pets. I don’t think the other cat will ever live up to one I’m most bonded with, but life goes on.

  15. Not for a long, long time. I’ll likely heavily downsize my life. I’d also like to move/travel for a while. That isn’t to say I won’t grieve heavily for her… she made my life what it’s been and I’m honored to have provided for her a life full of love and joy.

  16. 100% love having my dogs. They are assholes sometimes and inconveniences when we want to travel, but I can’t imagine a household without at least 1 dog.

  17. I don’t think about the future pet(s). Eventually, that time will come and I’ll have more pets. I’ve had pets since I was 5 years old.


    There’s always room in my heart for more. It’s not like a finite pie that has been divvied up, and you run out of pieces.


    I’ve had a few that were very special to me. One that honestly I felt that God made this little one just for me. The only one (so far) I ever cried over when she crossed the rainbow bridge. Sometimes I wonder if there is an afterlife will I see her again?


    But eventually the hurt lessens, and you find other animal pets that find a special place in your heart in their very own way. Life isn’t the same without them.

  18. Yes, I’ll go to the shelter and get another ankle biter. Our current dog Link ,came from the shelter and he’s been great. As far as we can tell he’s a mix between something loud and something annoying. He was already housebroken and now we just let him out and he doesn’t really leave the yard. The only time he’s ever used the bathroom in the house was when got home from losing his balls, so I’ll give him that one for free.

  19. This is exactly what I’m going through now after my cat passed away almost a year ago.

    She was my third cat (my cats never lived together) and although she died of old age and had a fulfilling life as a stray before I took her in, it was heart-breaking seeing her wilt away during her last few months. Therefore, I can’t see myself wanting to take in another cat as of right now.


    Having said that, when my first cat passed away, I also swore that I would never have another cat again. He grew up alongside me and so his passing hit me hard because I had never remembered a time with him not around. But I was able to eventually move on and that’s how I adopted my second cat from a family friend who couldn’t keep her anymore (long story short: she couldn’t live with other cats). She was an older cat but she still acted like she was a kitten! Sadly, she was only around for 3 years until a tumour developed and took her away. I was devastated, and again swore never to have another cat again. That was until the third cat kept trying to sneak into the house to live with me! She won, of course.


    Ultimately, we feel like we can never go through the pain again but time is weird. Some of us are able to love again straight away whilst others need more time or can never do it again. You don’t know which you are until you get there.


    One thing that I can say with certainty however: make sure you take plenty of photos and videos with you cat. It does wonders on helping you go through grief when the time comes.

  20. Hard to say. My dog is only 5, so hopefully it’ll be a good long time before I have to wrestle with that.

  21. Probably not at my age. If our current girl lives a normal lifespan, I’ll be about 75 when she passes. Unless we rescue a senior dog, I wouldn’t want to risk me passing before the dog and relying on someone else to take him/her.

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