How do you guys name things you don’t know how to call, for examle russians have a word that describes pretty every thing in the world, lol. So how can i substitude name of thing i dont know?
I googled only “thing” and “piece”, but they sound unnatural for me

  1. thing, thingy, thingamajig, whatsit, doohickey… probably some more words too.

    What’s the Russian word?

  2. Yeah, we use ‘thing’ or if it’s a lot of things you can use ‘stuff’

    For example: “Pick up that thing on the ground.”

  3. Please give us the Russian word!

    We may use “thingamajig” (some shorten this to “majiggy”) “whatsit” “whatever it is” “item” or “object”

  4. To sound out the word whatchamacallit….its multiple words mashed together : what – cha (you) – ma – call – it

  5. My dad says “doomaflitchie,” and I used to work with a guy who referred to anything he couldn’t think of the name of as “the damned thing.” “Hey, hand me that damned thing. No, not that, the DAMNED THING.” Pretty soon everyone on the crew was doing it, and oddly enough, most of the time you knew what they meant.

  6. “Thing” is a good catch-all, i.e. “What’s that thing?” or “Hand me the thing over there.”

  7. I usually just say “Shits” it’s all encompassing. Or simply “the thing” I’m pretty sure that’s universal

  8. Thing is the most boring but common option.

    I’ve also been known to use dohickey, watchmacallit, and thingamabob.

  9. Nobody has mentioned “doodad”. That’s one of my favorites.

    According to Futurama, “kerjigger” will be used in the 31st Century.

  10. I always say “thingy.” My boyfriend says “That _____ dude.” Yes, even when he’s talking about inanimate objects. That little red dude. That fuzzy dude. That dude with the black buttons on it.

  11. Thing is the answer. “What’s that thing on the end of a shoelace called?” “What’s that thing hanging from the car?”

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