I’m not talking about in a relationship or unsolicited.

I’m talking flirty, hook up, etc.

My post the other day was fucking deleted but 2 messages I got said at 54 it was pathetic to be living like that.

Snapping with women, hookups while lying to one that really cared.

So is there an age on flirty dic pic behavior

  1. If you like sending dick pics, and the recipient likes getting them, why give a crap what rando’s on the internet think?

  2. Maybe it’s just me but I think dick pics don’t even work.

    You’re better off cold approaching.

    In what world is a woman who is worth her salt going to be pulled by a pic?

  3. Most women don’t want dick pics, dude, and they don’t want to see some geriatric old dick, grandpa LMAO.

    Anyway, only guys with thick, veiny juicy 8 inches and above cocks should be sending dick pics, and that’s is after the woman has requested it of them.

  4. Never send dick pics, just dick verse or prose.

    Apparently, women get more aroused by verbal than visual stimuli.

    It’s Science, ha ha.

  5. Look, I know this is ask men, but I think a woman’s perspective matters more on this question. And the answer is very few women want to receive dick picks. Ever. Not at any age. But sure as hell not old wrinkly ones. Now, you wanna keep playing the field and not settle down? You do you. But have a little conscience and preemptively let the women know you are only into hook ups.

  6. Some women actually do like getting flirty/sexual text if they are into it. I would argue that a good & healthy relationship has good communication where both partners enjoy the attention both ways. Women would prefer more verbally and written (calls and texts) accompanied by pics, guys less reading more visual.

    I DO think men have to be more appealing and creative with pictures other then just a dick pic, but we also don’t have the ability to just show clevege and get attention from women.

    So a “buldge” is a slightly better option because it let’s her be curious which is a great way to get her thinking. Her thinking and using her imagination is exactly what you want her to be doing towards you.

  7. Never ever heard of a situation where sending dick pics did lead to sex. Never. Ever. Is that really a thing?

  8. I’m pretty sure that very very few women like getting these.

    So I’d say at no time is it appropriate to send one, unless specifically requested.

  9. As a woman, they do absolutely nothing but make us laugh. Even if it’s a “good size” or whatever you dudes put emphasis on- we don’t care at all

  10. Men should realise if they send unsolicitted dick pics to women then they are going to be viewed and probably laughed at by all her friends.
    Don’t ever send a limp dick pic
    Don’t send small misshapen mushrooms or long skinny pencils.
    We know it’s your prize possession but if we don’t like the look of it we won’t go there.
    You are better off keeping it in your pants until we like your as a person so we are more accepting of your cock.
    Even if it is small or ugly. 🤷‍♀️

  11. You’re only sending them because the person gave you permission and it’s what you two enjoy RIGHTTT!

    In which case the answers never. I look good and I want my partner to know it :p

  12. If they are consenting dick pics you are never too old.

    If they are unsolicited dick pics you should never send them, age doesn’t matter.

  13. Frankly, I don’t think men should EVER send dick pics unless specifically asked. Even then, I probably wouldn’t

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