My wife and I recently started venturing into BDSM. We found out she really likes when I take control and do what I want. Cumming where I want, making her suck my dick, speaking her legs and eating her, eating my fresh cream from her pussy… all of that! I also found out I love being a dom. Never thought i would but I really do. It’s a huge confidence boost, especially when she calls herself my slut 👀😍 Anyways, that’s all well and great when we are both turned on and in the act. When not, she tends to turn me down all the time. Really she’s only up for it if I start it off/turn her on. She won’t just come to bed and let me eat her unless she is turned on. I get that but, just recently I voiced some frustration with her constant turn downs and she asked “I’ve been a bad gurl huh 🤔 “ What is something I could try or do to test this more? I I initially told her I won’t let her cum until she started obeying again. Basically I’ll give her blue balls until I’m satisfied with her… thoughts? Anything else I can try?

  1. Have you figured out how she wants the dynamic to work? I’m not an expert, but reading this sub reddit has tought me that a dom-sub relation takes lots of communication and understanding.

  2. Look, with this kind of sex, there comes a point where you just have to talk about it. Trying to “test” it without some clear guidelines gets into issues with consent that I assume and hope you want to avoid.

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