We broke up, she began seeing someone. We both recently decided to get back together, see a therapist. She is ending her relationship with new guy (they’ve been together 1.5 months) while we were split up.

Found out she was pregnant today.

She doesn’t love him, and wants to be with me. What a cluster$&&@.

  1. I wouldn’t be able to handle raising someone else’s child that came about in that way. If you can, kudos to you but be sure about the commitment you’re making before that baby gets here. You have to fully forgive and be ready. Well wishes.

  2. First you ask her if she wants to keep the baby, if she does then she needs to tell the guy he at least deserves to know.

    After that you need to ask yourself if you’re ready to be with someone who has a child and be the step-dad. And think about it hard because it’s a VERY big deal.

    If you’re not ready that’s totally understandable and nobody should fault you for not wanting to raise someone else’s baby, but I hope you also realize your relationship is clearly done.

    If she doesn’t want to keep the baby, don’t tell the guy, have the abortion and just continue on your relationship with her (If you want to ofcourse).

    I also wanna say that it’s great you’re doing therapy, even if she wasn’t pregnant a lot of relationship need it but people don’t realize so congrats for that.

  3. Stop paying for therapy, and stop seeing her, ghost her, block her, delete her from your life. Go live a wonderful life without her, she sounds like a drag on your life, and you can do better op.

  4. Don’t wanna be an as*hole but if your ex gf can forget about you and then get pregnant within 1.5 months and then still even thinking to keep the baby. RUN AWAY BRO. RUN AWAY. THIS IS THE OPPORTUNITY. I know you wanna be the perfect person. Better be happy than the perfect person.

  5. Leave, never get back together with someone that broke up with you it’s almost ALWAYS bad news

  6. Why did you break up in the first place?

    It sounds like a lot of drama. You are in a difficult position because you don’t want to stay with her if she has a baby with someone else, but at the same time, she can resent you if she has an abortion because of that. So I would just break up all together. It’s too much baggage when you were trying to get back together AND paying a therapist.

  7. Not your baby, not your problem. Don’t sign up for 18+ years of trying to prove you’re the better man than the kid’s father. It’s over, the baby just confirmed what you’ve been trying to ignore.

  8. How far along is she? They were together roughly 7 weeks, but the pregnancy could be further along than that. You need a doctor’s appointment to see how far along she is. It could be yours.

  9. Even if she terminates the pregnancy, it would NOT be the healthiest thing for you to be back with her,,,,

  10. OP you need to walk away. She left you and immediately got into a new relationship. Then cam back to you. This will not work out in a good way unless you are willing to raise another man’s baby. Walk away and change your number.

  11. She got pregnant within a month and a half, that just screams bad decisions all around and then she comes looking for old backup. Remind us why she never got pregnant during the time you were together, and I’m hoping it was longer than 2 months.

  12. So she was raw dogging less than 2 months after you took a break, with at least one guy she does not love. I’d get an STD check at a minimum.

  13. She “is ending” it with him. So she’s still with him? Um, maybe stay apart till she knows what she’s doing with the baby. If she keeps it the father might be in your life for 18 years.

    Why did you break up?

  14. Move on man. Especially if she decides to keep the child. It may sound cruel however this child is not your responsibility.

  15. This is a mess I know abortion is a big one… but I’d know I will not make any man pay for a baby that’s not his When u guys broke up she needed time to heal and get herself together. Instead she got pregnant by someone else and ran back to you. Very immature and selfish. Please leave her and find someone who would not dump someone else’s responsibility on you. She’s really fucked up too many lives here. Get out…. she’s a nightmare waiting to happen.

  16. I am in that exact situation except I am the guy who has been with the woman for 1.5 months. I was love bombed, she came over every day, we jumped into a relationship, she stopped taking birth control because she wanted to get pregnant. I was infatuated and fresh out of a relationship, she was the woman of my dreams, until she wasn’t. We had dated in the past and I was very fond of her, so everything came back naturally. She professed her love and said her recent relationship of 2 years or so was only a facade and that I was the one she had always wanted and loved. That this man was the worst and presumably not straight, a cheater, bipolar/unstable and abusive. I was playing Cap’t save a hoe, thought it was fate after all the years and we were destined to be together. She gets pregnant fast, we decide to elope, the plans to elope fell through after I confronted her about some possible infidelity going on in her workplace. We split up, she says she’s keeping the baby and doesn’t plan on getting rid of it but at the same time keeps trying to play games. I found out she started seeing her ex boyfriend again, having breakfast and talking to this man she had left 3-4 months prior(I was told 7 months) that she had been with for 2+ years. She claims the interactions to be strictly platonic but my gut intuition tells me that’s unlikely. I decided it was best to let her go but still be in the child’s life if she chooses to keep it. Now she’s trying to get back with the sucker that was with her for 2+ years prior.

    Point is, don’t be that sucker. This woman made a decision and chose to lay down and create a life and a very serious relationship only to abruptly end it, creating nothing but discord and hurt to anyone within her reach. Better to cut the loss and move on, she wasn’t worried about you when she was gettin filled up. Just my .02 thanks for reading

  17. I reread your post. She hasn’t ended things with him and already trying to get back into bed with you. It doesn’t make sense or add up. My ex did the same crap to me and he was having girls over while I was at work. Don’t do it op

  18. I read the comment that she was “using protection”. Contrary to popular belief, humans have really low chances of pregnancy and the window is quite small. Ask any obstetrician. There is absolutely no way this happened as she is telling. She is either lying about using protection and was getting raw dogged for a whole month or she was sleeping with him for a LOT longer than she claims.

    Regardless, are you seriously entertaining a relationship with someone who pretty much has already gifted her womb to another man? Even if it was by mistake, specially because it was a mistake! What sort of character does someone like this have?

    Imagine having a daughter whose boyfriend lost his house by mistake, you would never trust him for important decisions. The same would happen for you and her. You would always return home not knowing if she got pregnant “by mistake” again. Past behavior is indicative of future behavior after all

  19. I would not want to be with somebody who is able to get them into such a bad situation as this one. This is usually not an isolated event, she will continue to get her (and her family) in trouble in the future too and should you continue to stay with her, you should get yourself prepared to enter such cluster&*^% quite consistently. For men that love drama, this is fine. For men that do not, you have your answer in front of you quite clearly.

  20. Aborting a pregnancy is so traumatic. Honestly just give her your blessing and end the relationship

  21. I wouldn’t even entertain it. There’s so many beautiful, compatible and caring women out there. Time to meet someone new. As the saying goes. “There’s a bus every fifteen minutes”

    Should you decide to stay with her…I would strongly advise you to remain single until she figures out everything that has to do with the baby. You would no longer be “just you two” theres now a baby in the picture. Not only that but the biological father. Idk the situation but let’s not forget that he very well could be in the picture for the next 18 years. Are you ready to be a step dad? You may need to take some time alone and answer that too. Wow man. What a bombshell. I’m sorry this is happening to you. Me personally? I would just split. A lot easier than what everything else the relationship entails.

  22. Run fast and far away dude. She is for the streets. You have to realize that you deserve better than a woman who breaks it off with you and then 1.5 months later is pregnant with another dudes kid. Have some self respect for yourself and walk away

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