Been lacking that feeling lately. Just want to feel it again

  1. Self love is a lifelong project for me and I absolutely believe you can love someone else while working on it. Totally get ya, though ❤️

  2. I LOVE falling in love….the reason people say you have to love yourself 1st is because if it doesn’t work out you could spiral into self doubt because you’ve attached you’re worth into this love. I’ve loved and lost but I understood that it simply wasn’t where I was supposed to end up. There is a lot to life and it’s ok if someone doesn’t feel the same connection that you might feel….that only means there’s more to your journey. Enjoy the ride!!!

  3. It’s hard to just spontaneously wake up and be in the frame of mind of “I’m a good person and I’m happy”. Part of that is just an oversold idea that is very hard to grasp. In fact, I would say, embrace the bad, that’s what makes the good “good”. Also, you spend all your time with yourself so naturally, you will find and focus more on your faults than your positives. So sometimes, you need that outside source to bring you some good light and remind you of your better aspects.


    Just be careful searching for “love” just for love sake, you could hinge your self-esteem and emotions or cares on someone else’s thoughts and opinions if you are not careful. Then if they say or do something that’s not “good”, it could cut deeper and hurt more than normal since you are hinging yourself on them and their feelings/emotions.

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