i’m 18 i’ve always been very passive and used to have really bad social anxiety and never really said no to anyone, but my manager for my new job asked if it was okay that i could work for 11-12 hours on my first day and a few days after, when i’ve been working around 4-8 for my past job.

i know i can probably do the shift since college doesn’t start until next week, but i don’t feel like i’m equipped to do 11 hours. i lack a lot of confidence to say “no”, always feeling like i’m guilty and that they’ll be mad at me if i say no

  1. If you can say “know” you can say “no”. They literally sound the same and idky you feel guilty for saying “no” these people don’t feel guilty taking advantage of you

  2. You don’t always have to say no ( if you have trouble with saying no). There are usually detours on how to say no. Give it a try by saying it indirectly. “Is there perhaps another option, because otherwise I would have to change a lot and my school will start soon?”. Something similar

  3. I uses to have this issue but it sort of went away when I saw how most people treat others, a lot of people act like a bunch of assholes and so when I seen them I thought to myself “I guess I’m being extra nice so if I prioritise myself a bit more I don’t think anyone would have an issue.” And thankfully that was the case, I’m not sure if this helped but I hope you atleast understand this idea that caring for your own needs is not something rude or selfish and everyone should respect you enough to let you decide for yourself.

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