In context I (21M) have always been a shy and reserved person. Although, I have a great friend circle and don’t really lack of social interactions at all, but I always blame my self for not being confident enough in front of other people because I feel restrained and self-conscious which leads to not expressing my self the way I would like to or just staying quite.

The last couple of months have been really hard on me. I broke up a 6 months relationship with a girl and ever since i’ve been depressed. I made the choice because the relationship was mostly toxic, she had really bad temper, didn’t considerate my feelings and overall was just being egoistic and derogatory towards me at the end. I knew it was the best thing to do for my sanity, but it has almost been 3 months and I still find it hard to get over. On top of it, yesterday we casually saw each other in public while she was holding hands with another guy. Honestly this kind of broke my heart and led to a mental breakdown.

Ever since this whole thing happened my emotional and mental stability has gotten a mess. I started smoking weed more heavily again which probably has just worsens it and overall my confidence is lower than ever. Consequently I find it harder to talk to people because i’ve gotten so insecure, I even have trouble expressing my self correctly sometimes and feel like i’m stuck in my thoughts which tend to be negative and doubtful.

Any recommendations to boost my self confidence?

Besides, sorry English is not my mother tongue.

  1. I think you should try to heal from the breakup. The first step would be accepting that you guys have broken up, accept the heartbreak, let your emotions out and heal. Focus on moving on. Love yourself, know your worth, practice self care, do things that you like such as get some new hobbies, read some books and build your self confidence. Let go of the fears that are holding you back or keeping you down. Accept yourself for who you are and work on building healthy relationships. Take care of your emotional well being and try to be happy!

  2. You’re recovering from a relationship with an emotionally unhealthy person, and it sounds like your emotional foundations were not as strong as you needed to begin with.

    I think it would be good if you could find support and an outlet, a counselor or therapist would be a good idea until you find your footing again.

    You also need to make healthier choices, stop smoking, go out and do interesting things, socialize, exercise just for the mental health boost, etc. There is a stage at which it’s grindingly hard and not enjoyable, and you have to trust that it’s worth it for the healthier brain chemicals.

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