Lost in my own mind (M22)

Hey people,
I’m 22, after 2 years being single I got back into a relationship (2 months along at this point) which originated from a one night stand turned casual turned dating.

I’m rather happy in this relationship, we even said ‘love you’ to each other tonight, but lately I’ve been thinking of experimenting – with my sexuality and orientation, with new fetishes and just with sex in general.

Problem is I do want to give this relationship a chance, and I’ve never cheated/had an affair or anything of sort, but I’m currently on vacation abroad where prostitution is legal and widely available, so that’s kind of an opportunity.
And I’ll have half a day to try out if I’ll go for it.
Any Advice? Recommendations? Expirences? Tips?
Late addition – I am deeply torn by these two things: the first my want and need to find myself and what I like and who I don’t, and second my want to have this nice relationship to keep going and to see where it goes.
She’s pretty open sexually and we communicate very well so honestly that’s not really the problem, I just want to try out my sexuality and to figure some things out.


Tl; dr:
Started not too long a go a new and happy relationship, but am frustrated with thought of wanting to expirement with my sexuality (want to try to have sex with a dude)

  1. Sex with strangers is like eating candy. If it doesn’t fit your diet, you’ll regret it once you’ve finished eating.

    Don’t do it. Unless you are prepared to break up with your girlfriend first.

    Also, have you thought the prostitute part through?

    1) Diseases.

    2) How sexy will actually be to have sex with someone who doesn’t want you?

  2. Talk to your gf and tell her what you are thinking and find out what she thinks. If yes, go for it. If no, decide which thing you want more — the relationship or exploring your sexuality.

  3. To sum it up, you don’t seem happy in this monogamous relationship

    Early 20’s you have lots of time to explore, but lots of people meet their lifelong partners at this time too. Think really hard before taking next steps

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