i went on a date with a girl i met online, we texted for like a month and kinda got to know each other
she was pretty nice and i liked her looks, nothing weird
when we met she wanted me to choose witch baby pacifier she should buy, i was a little weirded out standing with her in the baby section and shes ranting about how the baby pacifier fits in her mouth
but she was pretty and i kinda liked her so i thought to myself that it can’t get any weirder than this, its just a little kink or so

then this mf showed me a bigass bitemark on her arm that had greenish/ blue tone to it and looked pretty nasty like those in zombie movies

i told her she should go to the hospital and let it get checked out but she refused because it was her ex that gave it to her so she want to keep it
i lost it when she told me that that happend a day before, why tf u went on a date then ???
was fucking weird and i blocked her after
and she kept trying to reach me

  1. Uhhhhh there weren’t any indicators of psychosis that came up prior to meeting up for baby pacifiers 😂

  2. Next time go get drinks or play pool instead of going for pacifier shopping, that’s a rookie move

  3. Refer to this post when women or men say they want to text a little first before meeting. Texting for a few days would have uncovered these issues.

  4. Sounds like a you problem. We’re you too cheap to invite her to a dinner so you ended up taking her to a store?

  5. I mean I have pacifiers, and I make custom ones for myself, but I’m a raver so they’re for different purposes lol. And I wouldn’t shop for/show them off for people unless they were also in the scene.

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