I really like this girl in my class, we don’t really talk that much but when ever we do she has a smile on her face, most of the times I see her hanging out with other guy’s cooler and better looking than me (sorry I have an inferiority complex).

This really messes up with my motivation to ask her out, I see ton’s of videos on asking out how to handle rejection and so and so, but when ever I try to implement it and go up to her, my mouth just freezes shut, life’s just start to feel unreal and brain just goes “why even do this it’s not worth it, she hang’s out with better guys that you, maybe one of then is her bf, what if she tell’s all her friend’s about you, they’ll make fun of you” and all thiis stuff please tell me what should I do.

More important thing I have exam’s in 10 days, and instead of studying I spend most of my time listening to romantic song’s and day dreaming and over thinking about her lmaoo.

  1. Here’s the thing, and I know this will be difficult to hear, but it’s necessary. There is no magic trick to talking to a girl you like. There’s no guaranteed strategy or words that will absolutely get you her number. The best thing you can do is be honest with her and tell her how you feel.

    In addition, you’ve got to recognize what you’ve got going for yourself. It can be very challenging to see your own self-worth, but you’ll never have the confidence to do what you need to do without it. If you let opportunities pass you by because you feel as though you’re not “cool” enough or good-looking enough, you’ll look back on your life with regret in ten, twenty, fifteen years. Trust me, that only makes things worse.

    In addition, you’ve got to recognize what you’ve got going for yourself. It can be very challenging to see your own self-worth, but you’ll never have the confidence to do what you need to do without it. If you let opportunities pass you by because you feel as though you’re not “cool” enough or good-looking enough, you’ll look back on your life with regret in ten, twenty, or fifteen years. Trust me, that only makes things worse.

    There will always be people who have something you don’t have. But guess what? You’ll always have something others don’t have. The grass is always greener on the other side, no matter what. You just have to decide to water and care for your own lawn.

  2. So if what you are really worried about is this test, then just ask her out. Then you will know for sure if she has any interest in you and you can stop pining. If she says yes, you have something positive to look forward to and you can use that to help you study. If she says no, then you can get over the whole “will she or won’t she” phase and move on.

    I would do this when not knowing bothers me too much. You’d be surprised how easy it is to let go of those feelings if you know there’s no chance.

    Either way, holding onto these feelings hurts you more than actual rejection.

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