Hey guys! I know this also has to do with relationships, but my question ia about human interaction

So it seems i am in a situationship. We were seeing each other once a week before I went abroad for a week and him having stress at work.

I wanted to give him a few days of space as he seemed a little off (I mean like keeping more to himself than usual in general) and then slowly get back into contact as usual today. Lo and behold, he contacted me yesterday about some music stream we both were watching. This turned into him sending me voice messages saying that he has to fight back tears as he connects many things of the last few weeks to it. And saying he is a little off but otherwise ok (not sure I translated that right) and that the music reflects that. I asked what is bothering him and told him (her actually knows that) i am there for him. Got no answer and he did not listen to that.

I just wished him a fun day at his hobby today and told him to feel hugged from afar and to keep safe.
His answer was exactly where he is and that I can see his car in the live stream that is available. He usually puts that in his whatsappstatus, which he did not today. While he usually is on his phone from time to time, this time he is not (as I said he seems a little off).

So how do i deal with that? Do I just continue and wait for him to either tell me he needs space or open up to me (he did that before so nothing new)? We usually have a really good exchange when we meet so i suspect there is a small chance i am not the only one that misses that exchange/talking in person. I was going to ask tomorrow if he wants to meet next week but i am not sure about that right now.

Or do i wait for him to contact me again? I already figured it is best not to ask again what is bothering him.

I usually just give him 2 or 3 days of space, but it seems this time I need a different skill.

Thank you for any advice you have on dealig with these kind of situations!

1 comment
  1. He sounds like he’s going through a tough time. If you feel like you have the emotional capacity to be there for him, then ask if he wants to hang out next week. If you feel like your emotional capacity is moderate/kinda low, you could just send a little note of encouragement, kind of like what you mentioned doing before. Sometimes just feeling someones thinking of you helps.

    And fwiw, I didn’t understand paragraph 4 or the title. In paragraph 4, are you saying he replied with his address/location? Also, title says you want to give him space but it’s not clear from the text why that is. Is this too much for you?

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