Men in their forties take care of themselves physically (fit and not fat), how do you feel?

  1. I’ve had a lot of people tell me that when you get to your late thirties, you inevitably gain weight and you can’t do a lot of the things that you used to. I’m wondering if that’s true.

  2. i’m not really athletic, but i do some physical stuff. i’m 6’2 and about 195.

    i definitely feel 42. i have occasional sciatica, i get tired every day (i usually close my eyes between 2:00 – 3:00 each day), my patience is definitely a lot less than in my teens or 20s, and i notice i get a lot more eye dryness than i did when i was younger.

    i guess i feel ok. not as mentally awake and physically limber as i was at 21, but i can’t complain.

  3. Bit less energy, but that could be just because of sports. I was a couch potato in my twenties, now pretty active physically.

    Also, sleep quality and quantity are more important now. Crappy night usually means wasted next day.

    That’s about it tho. No idea what those people are doing who complain like they are already in wheelchair when they hit 30.

  4. Young, in summary.

    Guys my age who don’t exercise and stay thin act very old, look very unhappy, take a shopping bag full of pills every day, collect diagnosis like I collect hobbies. Guys who did too much aerobic style cardio have their joints start to wear out around my age, glad I avoided that, no joint pain or RSI.

    Another thing to “take care of” is skin, specifically sun exposure. Plenty of 30 year olds look WAY older than I do. Also eyes, wear UV proof sunglasses, there’s nothing in your eyes that improves with UV exposure.

    Not too happy about seeing gray hairs appear, but its my only aging symptom (edited to add, if you don’t count ear hairs appearing), so …

  5. Great. I’m a little more likely to have an ache or pain, and it takes me longer to recover from a hard workout, but my energy is good and I feel young and healthy.

  6. Beat to shit but still motivated. I’ve unfortunately had to resort to carnivore or a low carb diet to keep the weight off. I eat carbs and it goes right to my gut.

  7. At forty, I’ve had to make some small changes to my workout approach. But aside from occasional knee aches, I still feel pretty good and am pretty athletically capable.

  8. Late 40’s. I’m a little on the fat side, but strong and active.

    I feel pretty good. Good enough that I could break into a good sprint. I regularly skip steps when walking up stairs. If that’s any kind of measure. I can easily lift my 70lb daughter over my head…

    No regular joint pain. But randomly something might start to hurt on a given day. And then go away the next.

    Couple persistent things. My pee stream is way weaker (enlarged prostate, I guess?) and I need reading glasses now.

    Not sure how quantify it though. How do you feel?

  9. I’m 45 and feel no different to how I’ve always felt. My physique is better than I was in my 20s. Got Afew hairs on my shoulders though!
    Basic training at home and manual work at work.

  10. I don’t feel a thing, will be 44 in few months… in best shape of life and still a cute girl melts my heart.

  11. I’m always a little sore from weight lifting, jogging, etc, but it’s a good sore if that makes sense. I feel better overall than I did 10 years ago when I was 40 pounds heavier.

  12. I feel better than ever these days. When I first met my SO, I was in ok shape whereas he was huge on fitness and sports. And so when we workout together or play sports together, I had to work really hard to keep up with him. And so I’m in much better shape now even though I’m in my late 40s.

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