(Im from south América my english
is not that good)

I am a 14yrs old student, I have a lot of friends and I could be considered as a popular/well positioned person in my school. But most of my social acceptance is because males apreciate and admire some aspects of my self, Im great at sports, great in classes, funny, and kinda attractive.
The problem is that I am really afraid of girls making that talking to me is literally like talking with a wall. I had a lot of oportunities with girls, they aproach to me but they end up losing all their interest in me. This problem boosts my desire to stop being a social person and throw all my social interactions to garbage.

The only thing that stops me from start being antisocial is those moments where I know I can offer a lot to people. I really want to open up with girls and show all the good things I have but its hard for me.

  1. Stop seeking validation from girls. You have to work on yourself, so you have something to offer to invite people into your own world. The more you care what they think the less they will like you. You have better shit to do man. Be interesting and passionate about things in life & people will gravitate to you instead of the other way around.

  2. Personal opinion, don’t ask for socializing advice here on Reddit, specially at your age. Lo que pasa es que reddit es un sitio en so mayoría de estadounidenses, y ellos son bien individualistas. Créeme ellos dan buenos consejos pero no son buenos para nosotros los latinoamericanos, para no pasarle la mano al mono, las culturas tienen un enfoque diferente.

    Si te pones a absorber esa idiosincrasia te va a traer problemas ahora que estas joven, porque vas a operar con ideales gringos en una sociedad latinoamericana.

    Mi consejo es, pregúntale a tus amigos que tengan amigas, como lo hacen o mira como las tratan. Pero estas muy chico para eso hermano. Disfruta tu juventud y no te preocupes de eso por ahora. Cuando ya tengas dieciséis puedes pensar en eso mas. Pero créeme, enfocarte ahora en eso no te va a ayudar manito.

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