so me & my boyfriend are currently on a break. he expressed to me that it’s a break not a break up but he’s acting very rude towards me. At first he was saying that it’s not appropriate for him to say I love you to me but eventually he started doing it again. he won’t be there for me if I say that im sad .. he blames me everytime for putting my emotions on him & he says he’s not responsible for how i feel. when he cried the other day, i was there for him but he never does the same for me. i feel like he’s okay with not talking to me at all and being away from me. He tells me he can see me in his future but then is rude to me all the time. we just moved out of our apartment that we had together for 2 years so now we live with parents again & im just so stressed out trying to figure out what he wants. he is (20M) & im almost (21FM). he refuses to hug me, kiss me, etc. & i just don’t know what to do. I feel detached from him now & he says he does not want anything to do with a female right now and he doesn’t know if it’ll change..

TLDR; me and my boyfriend are supposedly just taking a break but I’m not sure if it’s a break or breakup.

  1. Do not do “breaks”. They are always a bad idea. Too many opportunities for misunderstanding.

    Either address the issues or breakup. That is my advice.

  2. At this point you need to be direct with him or go no contact for a set amount of time. It’s not really a break if you keep talking to each other etc. If the way things are going, aren’t working for you tell him you either need to work it out or end it for good. What do yo want out of this?

  3. Why are there so many “break” posts lately? A break isn’t a thing, it’s a break up and (possibly, if you’re stupid) get back together. You’re giving him a free pass to cheat, guilt free. Dump him for good and get a child support and custody order from your local courthouse.

  4. Breaks are silly. Either you can work through your problems together or you can’t. You can’t. This is done.

    > he says he does not want anything to do with a female right now

    Ew. Don’t date guys who call women “females.”

    > im just so stressed out trying to figure out what he wants.

    He wants you on the backburner as an option, with no strings attacked for him.

    > when he cried the other day, i was there for him but he never does the same for me.

    Right. Because only his feelings matter to him.

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