For instance when is it self defense? If she hits first? What if someone kisses her against het will, she slaps hi. And hè knocks her out? What if he pulls something like bag or phone from her hands and she hits him trying to get it back? If he pushes her first and she hits him?

I know violence is never ok, but for some reason “self defense” seems to be very… Subjective, def wondering this.

  1. Violence is acceptable when it’s defending yourself or someone else. That’s pretty much it.

  2. If she hits first under what circumstance?

    If someone kisses a woman against her will and she slaps him, it’s NOT self-defense to knock her out. If she were continuing to attack, that might be another story.

    Nothing else sounds like self-defense. Whomever you’re talking about, they sound like 2 toxic people who bring out the worst in each other and should break up immediately.

  3. Zero. Hitting a women is a death sentence for any reason unless u have at least 3 witness and recorded.

  4. Violence against the defenseless is always unacceptable.

    If a woman looses her cool and lashes out, I’d block that shit – but I doubt I would ever counter-punch unless she was coming at me with a weapon.

  5. Anything against little kids – after that there’s usually some circumstances that would make it acceptable, like self defense

  6. Once you put hands on someone else you need to fight like they are trying to kill you….because there is a good chance they might. So it’s kill or be killed

  7. The legal definitions are pretty solid. If you aren’t actively defending against a serious threat, why are you engaging at all?

  8. My Mrs hit me with a phone full whack around my nose eye socket area.. I was, stunned for a good 10 seconds totally helpless.
    She’s whacked me Afew times only once have I gripped her wrists safely to stop her hurting me more.
    Thing is i can fight. pretty good boxer and done mma and bare knuckle.
    I floored a, well known boxers sparring partner in 3 punches and am pretty known as being abit of a rough.
    But against my Mrs i was like I helpless baby

  9. Because the underlying assumption is that you are the problem. Knock her out? Excessive force. Getting hit? Deserved it. She took the kids? You’re abusive.

    Violence is frequently ok, you just gotta know when.

  10. Violence is okay in plenty of situations.

    Don’t throw hands first and don’t sexually assault people and you’ll be okay.

  11. > What if someone kisses her against het will, she slaps hi. And hè knocks her out?

    This stipulation sounds like a woman being sexually assaulted. Are you asking if it is self defense for the perp to knock her out after being slapped? Because that’s fucked up. I hope I misunderstand what you’re trying to say because with as ambiguously as you have brought this to the table it sounds like you *might* not be considering sexual assault an assault. I think your question could use some clearing up

  12. Imo the only time to hit a woman is if she is attacking you with a weapon that you truly believe you would die if you tried getting it out of her hand. If the man attacks her then of course a weapon for her defense I find completely necessary and good. Men hit hard hitting a woman with full man strength is crazy to me I never understood why some men do that.

  13. I teach people how to defend themselves for a living. I will 100% die on the hill that it is logically and morally justified to strike any able-bodied adult who’s physically attacking you regardless of gender. Being weaker does not mean physically incapable of doing damage. A grown woman punching me in the face can still shatter my orbital, break my nose, bust my lip, etc.

    However, proportionality is the name of the game. If anyone smacks you you don’t need to drop them on their head and kick them repeatedly in retaliation. If smacking them once is enough to get them to back off long enough for you to safely remove yourself from the situation (which is always the goal) then that’s all you need to do. Beyond that, I think it’s indefensible to expect someone being attacked to put themselves at greater risk by having some prolonged engagement with the person attacking them in order to protect said attacker. For example, if a woman is striking me I should not have to struggle to “restrain her”, during which she may bite, scratch, spit, punch etc to protect her when a single smack may get her to fuck off and allow me to retreat.

    >What if someone kisses her against het will, she slaps hi. And hè knocks her out? What if he pulls something like bag or phone from her hands and she hits him trying to get it back? If he pushes her first and she hits him?

    I’d say the woman was justified in all those circumstances. Self-defense stops being a morally justifiable argument if you started the issue, you need to have ‘clean hands’ for that excuse to fly. Meaning I can’t force myself onto a woman and then knock her out for fighting back and claim self-defense. She has every right to physically protect herself and her property.

  14. With guys, I go full force. I doubt my 55kg body will kill a guy with fists.. So I can use full force.

    Possibly the same with 75% of the women, I am really weak. I have basically female strength in a male body…

  15. Proportional response to the level of threat given.

    Examples: if a child hits you that’s not really a threat so response should be near nothing.

    If your girlfriend who is physically weaker than you hits you, maybe a shove away to a restraint as she really can’t hurt you bad without a weapon.

    If someone intends to kill you then response to that point is acceptable.

  16. Unfortunately, self defense really is very subjective and depends on a lot of immediate reactions thst don’t necessarily involve thinking actively about how much force is “right” to put forth in defending yourself.

  17. Violence is unacceptable when violence is unwarranted or unneeded. If the violence is localized on you and yours, and you can leave without objection or restraint applied to you, do so. If its being applied to everyone, coin toss. You could still leave, but if you are worrying about others, that can be seen as due diligence. If you can’t leave, well, open season. You throw hands, objects, or deadly force if you fear for your life. The time for talk is clearly gone by that point. Some people won’t be reasonable. But if you can avoid fights, do so. Call police, let them deal with it. Fights can get you in more trouble physically and legally than what your honor is worth. And nothings worth losing your life over.

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