How are you able to call yourself out if you’re in lust instead of love?

  1. If I lust for someone, it’s just passion and wanting to fuck. If I love someone, it’s those things, but I also enjoy doing basic, everyday things with them, like going to the store.

  2. Well, for starters you don’t call yourself out over it.

    The biggest thing is gaining life experience for telling the two apart.

  3. If she wanted to stop fucking but keep dating, and take it slow instead, would you?

    When you’re hanging out, are you just waiting for the next time you can have sex?

    If you want to get blunt, is spending time with her kind of a drag that you put up with so you can fuck her?

    Conversely, do you look forward to talking to her about things, and hearing about her day? Telling her about your day?

    Do you encounter things that make you think of her, and look forward to telling her, or better yet, link them via whatever messaging y’all use and geek out about it?

    Does the idea of seeking out things you can do together, like finding games you both like, or other hobbies you can share seem exciting?

    If you think about it honestly for like 5 minutes it’s pretty obvious if you actually love her or are just addicted to that good fuckin.

  4. Nut and then think about it. If you lust over her even right after the jizz makes the fizz, she’s the one my man!

  5. Depends how young and single you are. Virility and the confidence to maintain non-emotional sexual situations is good for a while. But it drains the soul. And you will be bereft of bright benefits to display to a potential future love interest if you get used to non-emotional sex.

    This applies to all sexes and flavors therein.

    By all means satisfy the appetites. But always treat people with the dignity and the respect as you would expect to be treated yourself.

    The rest just falls into place, as long as you’re honest with yourself. And you’re good at planning things and showering regularly.

  6. I don’t call myself out. There’s nothing to be called out on… So it’s just lust who cares… There’s nothing wrong with dating for fun ask any girl under the age of 25.

  7. Imagine the messiest, nastiest diarrhea you’ve ever had. Then imagine witnessing it happen to them. If you feel sympathetic and want to help, that’s love. If you’re disgusted and aren’t attracted to them in that moment, that’s just the attention.

  8. Tell her your interested in her but but not looking for a relationship. She will want to change that… once you feel like your in a relationship and your doing something with her say “oh fuck… this is like a relationship.. I got to go.” Later shoot a text and say sorry to bounce so quick but I wasn’t looking for a relationship, you knew that..

  9. I’m sort of a Platonist in the subject of love vs sex (and lust). Love doesn’t necessarily involve sex just as sex & lust don’t have to involve love. When I feel in love with someone, I think of them in a close friendship kind of way first and foremost. Sometimes I’ll fantasize about sex with them later on, but primarily I desire their companionship. For me lust is just sex without the companionship type of connection.

  10. I honestly don’t know how to explain it, but when it’s love then you know it. You don’t question it. I’ve only been in love 3 times and I knew it the very moment I saw each woman. I can’t explain it. I just knew I loved them and that I would do whatever it took to know them. It’s just something that you have no need to question.

  11. How aren’t you able to call yourself out? Those are two insanely different emotions to feel towards someone.

    You can think of platonic relationships that you have as an example of what love is and when you are horny for someone that is what lust is. When you have both that is a romantic relationship. I would be very deeply disturbed if I ever met someone who claimed to not be able to distinguish between those two things.

  12. It’s difficult because for me the two are tied.

    I was in a relationship where I was trapped by lust to a woman I loved. The relationship had issues but because we lusted for each other we were unable to end the relationship. Eventually we chose to stop having sex and the relationship ended almost immediately.

    I still think about her a lot.

  13. Make a pros and cons list

    Yeah actually write it out

    If it’s mostly cons or incompatibilities, but pros only includes good looks, attraction, sex

    It’s just lust lol

  14. Ask yourself what do you like about her – what makes her attractive? If you can’t think of an answer other than “she’s hot”, that’s how you know.

  15. Is there any point to being with them that doesn’t involve sex? If not, it’s lust. If sex is not on the table and you can’t wait to see her, it might be something bigger.

  16. You get to a point where you can tell (at least I can)

    Having a deeper understanding and care for someone is different than “lust” and at times you may even feel intense sexual attraction (that comes and goes) but if you love someone it’s deeper than that.

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