Guy (20’sM) I’ve (20’sF) been seeing (we’ve met up 3 times so far) asked me if I was down to keep things casual. I sent a long text about how I’m not ready for labels or exclusivity yet but that’s how I’d like my next relationship to be, and that I’m down to get to know him more and maybe getting to that point sometime but not sure if he only wants something that stays casual. To this, he said “oh I see what you mean, so let’s just keep seeing how things go?” And then here is when I told him I was trying to explain that “I’m casually looking for something serious” (so basically I mean I’m down to see where things go with him and down to still have fun and fool around/hookup. If it works out in a relationship, great, if not, that is fine too). I thought… it made sense. Does it?

tl;dr: Does what I said to guy I’ve been talking to/seeing make sense?

  1. >I mean I’m down to see where things go with him and down to still have fun and fool around/hookup. If it works out in a relationship, great, if not, that is fine too

    Just send this.

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