When yes? When no? Why?

  1. I go home for the kids but if I were childless, no I wouldn’t. But I’m outta town for work if it’s leisure yes I would. I mean there are endless scenarios here, your question is too vague.

  2. It would depend. If it’s non life threatening and he doesn’t need me for care and I can’t easily come back, then no. For instance, if he needed gallbladder surgery and his family was at the hospital and our teens were at home and I was more than a drive away – maybe not IF we could talk/FaceTime and he was ok with me not coming home.

    Cardiac or other high risk event: absolutely. Probably the same for any serious traumatic injury, like a car accident causing injuries, because I would need to see him.

  3. For an emergency, I’d go home. Emergency implies that it’s severe. My husband’s closest family member is 3+ hours away so there’s no one else to take care of him. I’m not going to leave him alone and sick or injured in a hospital or something.

  4. Depends on the severity/duration. If it was more than a couple hour trip to the ER for stitches or something, more than likely yes, mostly because we have kids that need to be cared for. No kids, depends on the situation…. Sprained ankle, broken wrist, etc probably not… something more serious, yes.

  5. Depends..why am I out of town? What’s the emergency? Are there kids that will need me? What will it take to get me back earlier then planned etc.

  6. Yes – how is this even debatable? If it’s an emergency then I’d want to be by my husband.

  7. Absolutely. Medical emergency is defined as illness or injury that’s life ending or life altering. Why wouldn’t you want to be there to support the person you love the most in this world?

  8. I had a medical emergency last year when my spouse was out of town. It escalated quickly and I had to have emergency surgery. Once I was in the ER and I thought I would be having surgery that day and called him, he raced home. He was in another state so it took a few hours but he came fast. I would do the same for him. When I was not feeling well the night before, he had offered to come back but I wanted him to be able to finish what he was working on and I did not think my health was serious so I told him not to come. But of course the next day everything changed and I wanted him there and he wanted to be there for me.

  9. If it’s life threatening or life changing emergency absolutely. If he cut his hand and needs some stitches probably not. If it was questionable whether I should come or not I’d ask if I’m wanted for support if the answer is yes then I’m on the way!

  10. Yes!! And if for whatever reason I couldn’t make it back, I’m positive my siblings and parents would be right by his side updating me every step of the way. We’re a large but tight knit family (he lives many states away from his) and they would make sure he’s okay. But I would drop whatever I was doing with no hesitation. Why? Because I love him.

  11. Depends how far I am and what’s the medical emergency.

    Your question is way too vague. Give a specific scenario and we’ll be happy to answer.

  12. If there’s a possibility of him needing surgery or being admitted to the hospital, or of having symptoms that make it hard for him to take care of himself, I would absolutely go back. I think it’s really important to have family present to advocate for you during a medical situation.

    Even if there were other relatives or friends locally who could help with specific tasks like driving to appointments or walking the dog, I don’t trust my husband to actually accept enough help from them so that he can properly rest.

  13. Depends on the emergency. Depends on many things. Surgery? Going to need continued care? Are there kids and/or pets? Will they need a ride home from the hospital?

    Vague question, be more specific.

  14. Not only would I be as soon as possible from my trip I would also be sending family to be with my spouse until I could make it.

  15. Yes. Even if it was an emergency. I’d want to be there and we have a dog so I’d need to be there to take care of her. We live in a condo with no backyard

  16. Even if it’s not life threatening, if he needs me there or just wants my comfort I’ll always race home.

  17. Emergency means someone is hurt or very ill. Yes I’m going home. He’s more important than anything that could have me away.

  18. It would depend on what the nature of the medical emergency was, if he needed me or wanted me, or if there were other responsibilities at home I needed to take care of.

    If he broke his arm, we have family that could take care of him until I got back, and he wouldn’t want me to come home. If he was unconscious and needed me to make medical decisions I would come home. If he was frightened and wanted me I would come home.

  19. I would. No question. Especially if I’m out of town for work. My husband is always more important than a job where I’ll be replaced before I’m even back.

  20. I tell you what, I’m glad I’m not married to some of you folks on here, crikey.

    If your spouse has a medical emergency, key word is emergency. I don’t give a fuck what I’m doing I’m on the next flight home or in the car immediately on my way home. If it’s a work thing…you best believe I’m gone. I wouldn’t even ask, I would tell them hey family emergency, I’m gone. Not a would it be ok if… Nope. Gone.

  21. Lots of “it depends” factors into this. Why was I out of town? Is the emergency something like a broken arm or is it a heart attack? Life threatening…of course I’d come home. Broken arm…probably not.

  22. Absolutely yes, without delay. Your spouse should be the most important person in your life. Nothing is so important to keep you from going. Just about anybody you were planning to meet would understand that.

  23. Yes. Regardless of the severity. I would want him to know I support him and comfort him. There’s really nothing worse than being vulnerable and having no one there for you.

  24. I mean, does he need a ride home from urgent care or am I needed at the hospital to sign next of kin paperwork?

  25. If it’s a medical emergency, then of course I’d go home! An emergency is serious business.

    If it’s say, the sniffles, I would likely not, depending on why I’m out of town.

  26. Yup. And he did too.

    He drove 8 hours the night before to get there. I was having a small medical procedure and I didn’t need him there. And ended up hemorrhaging massively for that specific and he drove home immediately. Well also if he didn’t I would have left the hospital. I’m a horrible patient being a medical provider and know sitting in a hospital wasn’t super necessary and bleeding had resolved. Plus he’s my bestie and I’m his. And I explain all the medical shit to him. Who else is going to. Hahaha.

  27. Even If it’s not an emergency, even if he senses that I’m not doing well over something, I’m his priority and he is coming home. Work, friends, out of town, sleeping, he has done it all. So have I.

  28. I’ve only gone out of town without him maybe once in 19 years. So I would likely already be with him. Lol

    But if for some reason I weren’t, 100% yes I would be home asap.

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