I [26F] was just curious what other peoples experiences are. I feel like I know so many people who get out of relationships and then the next person they date they’re madly in love with and in another long term relationship. Whereas for me I can go on dates with multiple guys and not feel anything? I’m wondering if some people are just wired to “fall in love” more.

I’ve definitely been in love before, with a few different people, but it’s been a long time since I’ve found someone else I have those feelings for. Just want to know if it’s normal or something I should be worried about/working on. I also wonder if what I define as love is just different to other people? Like maybe their threshold for the feeling of love is lower than mine so they feel love more often?

  1. Depends on how frequently I am meeting new people, ever since I left college I don’t think I’ve fallen in love ever

  2. You’re getting there with what you wrote on the last few lines: everyone has a different internal definition of falling in love. Moreover, people get in relationships for very different reasons, without realising it.

    Among generally attractive people, it’s very easy to just go with the first single person, just for the status of being in a relationship: others won’t judge a thing, because you’re both generally attractive.

    There’s also people who are narcissists or have a tendency to manipulate others, and will make someone think they fell in love with then just to satisfy their needs (if they are generally attractive, the “victim” will be inclined or even pushed by friends to try out there relationship, even if they don’t feel anything at start, and the manipulation starts, but sometimes calling for help can be hard)

    Ofc there’s also people who actually found someone they really mutually like, and that randomly find them soon.

    So yeah, this is just to give an idea of how many ways relationships are formed, not always for the good reasons, especially in our 20s when we’re still experimenting our freedom while being told to start planning for a future stable partner.

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