I’m a 23 year old male and I just started my first real job post college. Last week my company put on an event where all the new hires from all the offices across the country met at the headquarters.

On the first day, the company hosted a happy hour, so we could meet other people there a little bit easier.

I met a girl that I really like. To the point that I feel like God or whatever you want to call it is trying to teach me a lesson. Throughout college, I didn’t really make an effort to go out and meet people, let alone women. I told myself that it was all temporary who I would be making friends with and nothing would matter after 4 years. Covid throwing itself into my college experience for 2 years made me double down on this thinking.

Turns out, the girl I met went to the same school as me for the same 4 years. We both have similar personalities, both have parents that are engineers for car companies, and both from the Midwest.

The problem is that my office for this company is 1,100 miles away from the office she’s working at. I can’t change my location for at least a year after being hired. I would really like to reach out to her and see about going on a date in the future (I didn’t make any type of advances throughout the week we were in the same location, although I do have her number and instagram and we hung out as part of a group a few nights).

I get solid discounts on travel, I can work at her office location a few weeks out of the year by company policy, and her office location is a 5 hour drive from my hometown. While we work for the same company, we’re doing very different things with what I see as having zero overlap whatsoever.

Should I do it or should I just learn the lesson that I feel I’m being taught about making the most of your current situation?

  1. I cannot tell you what to do or not do, but I can tell you that one of my friends was in a similar situation (except she was in the UK and he was in Belgium). They met at a company event and started their relationship long distance. They travelled on weekends and saw each other regularly (like once a month). After a year, he requested his transfer to the UK office, and they’ve been married for 15 years 🙂

    If you really like that woman, maybe that warrants a conversation at least?

  2. A year is a blink of an eye for the right person. Go for it. If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out, but it sounds like your family networks are in the same place, which is a solid lead on where you both could live and get jobs.
    Good luck

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