My friend S *always* brings her other friend B along with her whenever we hang out. Usually I think, the more the merrier! I like B, she’s nice and I like hanging out with her. When the 3 of us hang out we have fun. But I am starting to wonder why does S *always* has to bring B? When I go over S’ house or meet up to hang out, B is already there because they had been hanging out beforehand. Last night we went out for sushi (I invited S who invited B) and S said that her and B had been hanging out at her house beforehand. I am never invited to whatever they are doing before or after. Yesterday I was sitting at my house doing nothing before dinner, I could have went to her house to hang out if she asked. One time we went to the movies (S invited me) and when I got there they were in the restaurant next door because they got dinner there beforehand. I hadn’t eaten and would have gotten dinner with them if I knew.

For the record, S is single and B is married (sometimes her husband comes with them).

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