As an adult man how long does it take you to get from kissing > second base > third base > sex with someone you’re hooking up with for the first time?

  1. it depends, if you have time, take it slow. a few minutes each one. just slowly work from first to last

  2. As long as it takes in the moment. There’s never any rush, so just however long we feel it should last

  3. I’m a simple man. That thing where you slap your dick on her vagina few times before putting it in IS the foreplay.

  4. I’m a gay man but in my experience…

    In terms of minutes? 5 is usually a safe bet. I’m pretty impatient personally so I like to get to the good stuff pretty quick, but I still like foreplay to make it feel more significant than just pure fucking.

    The more important thing is to build a mood. To try and get your partner to a point where the only thing on their mind is releasing tension and… Well, fucking. Good foreplay can achieve that pretty quick. If you keep it up for too long it can feel like your beating around the bush and *your* not in the mood yet. If you skip to the main thing too quick it feels like you’re focusing on yourself too much. Just keep an eye and an ear out for what your partner is doing and saying. Try and lead them to a point where they seem completely focused on the moment and wanting to fuck. Foreplay is the bridge between normal life and sex. Try and treat it like that. Listen to your partner and feel it out.

  5. hooking up with a random?

    Just add some artificial lube to the condom and put it in.

    Long-term relationship? 30m to 1 hour, sometimes more.

  6. Typically, I keep teasing her and slowly escalating until she says some version of “I need it NOW”

    How long that takes depends on how wound up she is to start with, anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour and a half. I can hold out a lot longer than she can (assuming I’m doing it right lol)

  7. For goodness sake. It’s like golf.

    You only progress when you get good at it.

    It can take weeks. If you can’t wait a few weeks, well she deserves better.

    If you are no good at kissing – all bets are off.

    If you can kiss properly…?

    Fifth Base in under 20 minutes.

    At Seventh Base the aliens come. It’s awkward.

  8. Hi I was bi I started a guy &guy it was about 5 minutes touching lick etc . Then inside it was 13 minutes till shooting

  9. It depends on the situation. I’ve had some women tell me they just want to start fucking.

  10. The fact that you are still using baseball terms tells me you’re not ready for sex yet.

    The answer, however, Is as long as it takes. You do what you gotta do, listening to her reactions, and when she starts saying “in in in!”

    That’s your cue.

  11. Everything was foreplay when we were in our 20s. Squeeze of the ass while out, sofa snuggles with wandering hands, knowing glances, innuendoes, suggestive pictures over WhatsApp etc. flirting and foreplay doesn’t *need* to be kept for special occasions.

  12. I really enjoy giving oral, so I tend to let the foreplay go on until she has an orgasm. Then on to other things.

  13. It’s not a formula and if you’re focused on a clock then you’re doing it wrong.

    Just have fun! Be in the moment.

  14. Basically until she asks you to put it in or till you can slip 2 fingers in without much friction

  15. The only correct answer: As long as she wants it to last.

    You’re the light switch, she’s the oven. It takes longer for women to get there and you have to be okay with that. There is no blanket answer to this question. Just feel her out, communicate, and make sure you’re both enjoying the process.

  16. My default plan is about 5 – 10 minutes of kissing and fooling around. Then oral/finger on her for ~15 minutes, then fuck.

    Or plan b: whatever she wants

  17. I like foreplay better than the actual sex, so it’s always a little bit of a let down when she says “just get to fucking”

  18. Until she has two orgasms, that way she’s satisfied and very sensitive:)

    She’ll probably be begging for penetration!

    Keep stimulating her clit while you’re having sex, nothings better than her cumming with you inside!

    Focusing on her pleasure will make it much better for her and you. It will very likely boost her sex drive!

  19. I have a question for you OP, does foreplay count in the total time of “sex”? For example, if there’s 20 minutes of foreplay and 5 minutes of penetrative sex, does that mean you had 25 minutes of sex? Or would you say, we only had sex for 5 minutes?

  20. Read the room….when i see the other person twitching and enjoying i know ive got them where i want them then i play on it until they beg for more thats when you move forward. Its important for both to enjoy. But again deoends as some people dont like it so just see what your partner is doing ir how they are behaving. Me personally i love foreplay

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