
I’m new to Reddit, so I don’t even know if this is the right subreddit to post this, but I thought I’d ask.

I moved to the United States as an international student a few weeks ago from Canada. I am a very social person. However, I am finding it hard to make friends here. I am doing two years at a community college before transferring to a university to get an Associate’s and Bachelors’s degree, with the goal of eventually entering law school.

I like the program I am in, and I am learning a lot, but there’s no one my age in the program. I’m 19(M), and the youngest person after me is 32. I am also very active and play Rugby. The University I’m planning on transferring to has a club; however, starting this year, they won’t allow people at the community college to play anymore. There are no other Rugby clubs nearby.

I live near the beach, and I go there to swim almost every day, and I do approach and meet people my age, but they’re all out of state and on vacation.

And because of my legal status (international student), I also cannot work. I am licensed to referee Rugby, but I obviously can’t do that.

Since I’m 19, I also can’t go to bars. I want to know, what can I do to make friends here? I like the program I’m in and do not want to transfer out, and my usual ways of meeting people (sports, bars, beach, class) is out of luck for me.

Any advice?

1 comment
  1. I’m astounded that you’re in a community college program and the next youngest person after you is 32! I don’t even know how that happens unless you’re in a night program for adults.

    Anyway, “join a club” is a thing for a reason. You have to find a way to have regular contact with people who potentially could become friends. So if you’re at a community college they should have LOTS of potential clubs. They should also have some service oriented volunteer groups, which is usually a GREAT way to meet people. Then strike up regular conversations and build rapport.

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