TL;DR: a scenario from today

am I crazy

I’m 29 non binary and my partner is cis male 30. We’ve been together for 7 years now.everything is a fight. I do mean everything. If it isn’t a fight it’s some sort of guilt trip. Tonight takes the cake with me. I work a night job, so I get off at 11 pm home by 1130pm. I come home for lunch around 7-830 pm I clean up when I come home so that when I get off I don’t have much to do when I get off. Today I cleaned the kitchen, swept and mopped the kitchen, living, bathroom ,and bedroom all on my lunch break. My partner was playing video games. He got off the game asked me what I was going to get to eat I said I needed to go to the store to get what I wanted to make. He made a comment about how I should have said something he’d of gone to get it. But that he was going to go get something to eat and see him when I got off. He left. I finished cleaning and left to go by the store. I got the stuff I needed and went to work. I finished work and got home. I started putting the stuff up and then started cooking.i put head phone in as I was cooking and at some point he walked up so I took one out and asked “what up” he said nevermind and walked away so I finished cooking. Cleaned the kitchen up and went into the bedroom to eat. When I walk in the room this man asked me If I made extras I was like why would I make extras. He goes because I’m hungry. I reply and how would I know that I told you I was going to make myself something to eat when you asked earlier. I kid you not he goes ” you said you were going to make it. It just for yourself.” I couldn’t believe my ears I said “didn’t you tell me you were going to get something to eat after I said I was going to cook something why would I think to make you food if you said that.” His response was well I didn’t actually get food I didn’t have enough so I just got a snack…I assumed you’d make me some too” I was livid “why would you assume that why didn’t you say anything while I was cooking you walked in there seen me cooking and said nothing but wanted me to read you mind that you not only didn’t eat but are hungry…” Apparently I’m expected to apologize for not making him something to eat and assuming I’m going to get something to eat meant going to get something to eat….I’m not sure if Im crazy or this is the definition of a narcissist

  1. I wouldn’t consider this to necessarily be narcissism, but it is bad behavior. If you two are regularly fighting, then why are you together? And if you aren’t going to break up, get couple’s counseling to see if you two can learn to communicate with each other.

  2. You were on your lunch break cleaning and cooking while your bf played video games and complained??? Is this common in your relationship? Does he contribute to your life together?

  3. With stupid fights like this that happen so often, one must wonder if this relationship has simply run its course. Is he still the person you want to be with? Do you want to spend your life with him? Why or why not?

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