I’ve been dating my partner for about 9 months now, and I’ve been spending a lot of time at their place to the point of having my own towel, mug, toothbrush, etc. I’m curious to hear what others’ experience has been since I’ve never really moved in with a partner before as a self-sustaining adult.

  1. First, have you and your partner discussed long term goals? I.e. are they up for moving in together?

    9 months seems reasonable to stay having theoretical discussions. I have to covers to have been living with someone as friends when we started dating, so that day zero thing kind of fucked things up. As I’m out of that relationship twenty years later, i just know I don’t want that step too soon.

    So I currently have said I’d be wanting cohabitation in the 1-3 great time frame. For Reasons I could accept longer, but I won’t consider sooner than a year. Maybe one year is also crazy soon? But at a year, 9-10 months might be a reasonable t time to start discussing things.

  2. I would like to know too. I’ve been with my boyfriend for 9 months. It feels like my family has been asking when we’re going to move in together for a while. I forgot when me and my boyfriend had a long talk about general timeline of moving in, marriage, kids, etc but the themes come up quite a bit. My bf is in the military and his deployment schedule has changed so the timing of us moving in together was something we talked about recently, and just yesterday we were talking about our ideal house and things we wanna do in terms of our kids. I wonder if this much talking is normal 🤔

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