I have been single for more than a year and the longest relationship I ever had lasted 4 months and I always was the dumpee.

I have 2 of my female friends that both say they think I’m attractive, smart, funny. I have made out with both of them at a 2 year interval, and they both declined to go further (have sex or start a relationship for the first, and just sex for the second) when I asked them (I asked face to face).

Every time I spend time with them, I feel inadequate and like I’m missing something to get girls interested in me.

I know that if I was relentless with asking girls out in general, I would not feel this way, but I have a lot of trouble to say to girls when I am attracted to them because of the fear of rejection, it makes me anxious. For example, when I think a girl is cute, I am going to ask her number and ask her out via text, I cringe so much thinking of doing it face to face.

I know those 2 girls are physically attracted to me, but I feel like I am not good enough for them to go further, and that’s why In general I can’t get relationships to last and why I have such trouble to get girls interested in me.

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