Let me preface that I’m social, I like to go out for drinks, catch up with friends and colleagues, go to movies, etc. I don’t consider myself extroverted, nor introverted, somewhere in-between probably. I also like some days to just stay home and do nothing.

I have one main group of friends, we are 4, one smaller group of two more people, and multiple individual friends that I go out with, all from different places in my life so they don’t know each other.

So in total, I have five-six options for going out and socializing with friends. Mon-Friday, all is good, after work I _usually_ have someone to go out with, maybe grab a coffee or go for drinks. The problem is when the weekend comes, NOBODY is free to go out.

I’m oblivious to what is happening, and this has been going on for years.

I realized that I’m there for them to fill up gaps between their main things, you know? And on numerous occasions, this has been confirmed, either people being super strict with how much time they will stay, less and less time people are free/can stay, they always having to go somewhere, etc…

Then I noticed that I’m getting rejected more when asking people to go out. I leave them space, but as I see it, they rarely call unless I do it. I don’t want to be pushy at all, and I understand when they don’t want to go out. The problem is that this has been piling up and is taking a toll on me.

I don’t consider myself insecure or in fear of losing people, however I accept that I must be doing something wrong that I don’t realize since it’s happening with multiple people.

I’m better financially situated and if there is a need I usually pay for drinks/rounds/coffee. I never leave that to be a problem if someone wants to go out.

Not sure what the issue is, to be honest.

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  2. It sounds like people get along with you, but no one’s really CONNECTED with you on a friend basis. Your interactions are probably lacking positive social energy.

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