First let me start off by saying that I am a Female in my early 20’s . I’ve been in 6 relationships my whole life . Well , the littlest things about someone turns me off , I get bored easily, I cheat with no remorse, but if my boyfriend did the same thing, it’s all Hell loose . But here is the thing , I like to give all my boyfriends threesomes because it turns me on to watch my man with another female , but after I cum from that sometimes I beat my men with belts for even enjoying sex from that female . I just don’t know how my brain works or if it’s innocent thinking or not .

  1. Maybe you need to find some life passion to keep you from that boredom? I am similar to you but I find that when I direct my attention on something like university I become better. Doing math problems especially helps me. Try it maybe?

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