Women of Reddit, what is the most random abusive comment you’ve received on the internet for absolutely no reason?

  1. Somebody told me that my fiancé shouldn’t marry me for some really obscure reason. It made absolutely no sense and actually irritated me more than I would like to admit. It was just a weird, out of order comment to make. 🤣

  2. “You’re probably just a dumb slut”…. I’m 36, educated and have had 3 dicks my entire life. (2 women) so 5 ppl in total.

  3. “You sound like the reason why someone would commit suicide”.

    I had just lost a classmate to suicide; it is no laughing matter.

  4. “Ngl you look like you take birdbaths in walgreens

    Like the type to sit at a park with your emotional support dog and smoke hand rolled cigarettes out of a ziploc bag

    Like the type who always talks about peoples energies and educates strangers on the internet about the benefit trees have on the environment or somethin

    Oddrey, of course thats what it is. Of course lol”

    Context- this was a reply to some comment i said on trisha paytas instagram which was not negative nor positive. My name is audrey and i have it as oddrey on my profile just cuz. I replied thx or something and they proceeded to try to hurt my feelings using different weird insults until they just gave up because i wasnt fighting with them.

  5. Rape threats. I was having a conversation about the horrors of the dairy industry in a vegan sub and someone decided to tell me how they would treat me like a cow if I didn’t shut up ( forcefully impregnate me, steal my babies and then hook me to a milk pump ). He keeps at it to this day…

  6. when i was 16 some random person told me i should get raped for being gay, i never even said i was gay, he was probably just like “girl with short hair = gay”

  7. I posted a picture with my foreign friend, all of sudden group of people started comment on my picture “u should be ashamed of urself, u r poluting country’s blood” kind of stuff.

  8. Had this one dude that kept making accounts to tell me to kill myself for being gay, and that my dad would be ashamed that I am not sleeping with men. It got weird and incest-ey, and eventually escalated into death threats.

    *All of this, mind you, was because I was having a comment chain with someone about how to avoid pubic razor burn and said “you shouldn’t feel pressured to shave, do whatever makes you comfortable*

    Dude was unhingedddd

  9. Being 6ft tall. I remember an ex posting a photo of us once on Twitter (he is maybe half an inch shorter than me) and him getting random messages from strangers telling him he’s dating a man, that I dominate him in the bedroom and asking how it feels knowing I probably have a bigger dick tucked between my legs (I’m a cis woman). On top of that, these strangers found my socials and abused me for ‘pretending to be tall’ because our feet were cropped out so I must have been wearing heels or standing on something. It’s sometimes like this in real life, I’ll be drinking with friends and a random man will tell me that I’ve ‘transitioned beautifully’ or I’ll say my height and there’s always some shorter dude insisting he’s my height and I’m just lying.

  10. probably like pervy comments talking about my boobs or homophobic comments. some creep on here went like 6 months back through my post history to speak homophobic bullshit recently.

  11. I posted a picture of my dog on the dachshund subreddit and it had a rainbow flag in the background so someone left a homophobic comment. On a dachshund subreddit.

  12. I was wearing a trenchcoat in my profile pic on fb and some creep asked if I was naked under it. I was in middle school and just liked wearing giant comfy coats 🙁

  13. During online gaming:
    “Your voice is so low your probably trans or you must be fat” (ew to transphobia)
    “You sound ugly”
    “Shut the fuck up bitch women shouldn’t be playing at all”

    Then there are multiple creepy comments which I don’t want to write.

    I do consider online voice harrasment abusive, yes. People getting so mad they start targeting the woman and saying vile shit seems abusive to me.

  14. I corrected someone and then they wished cancer on my entire family? I was 14 and my aunt had just died of cancer

  15. I was told I was a horrible disgusting parent and I should be ashamed and I shouldn’t be allowed to have children because me and my husband have an open polyamory relationship.

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