I dislike it because it makes me smell different and it’s messy. I shower often, but it’s just kinda gross. I live in FL so it’s very warm and humid here and I work out a lot.. it’s a rather in convenient things for me.

Am I the only one that doesn’t love it? If we have sex everyday to every other day.. it’s just too much. Please, asking if this is an abnormal preference to not have cum inside me 24/7.

  1. > Does anyone let their SO cum inside them every time they have sex?

    Yes. It is in fact the normal thing for the majority of committed couples.

    > Am I the only one that doesn’t love it?

    You are not the only one, but you are also not in the majority, no.

    And the way you are trying to talk down to the majority who enjoys this:

    > Please, asking if this is an abnormal preference to not have cum inside me 24/7.

    is plenty telling.

  2. I mean I let my bf cum inside of me every time we have sex except when I’m on my fertile window. It just feels more intimate that way and when I feel him cum in me, it makes me orgasm too. Also, we’ve been in a committed relationship for almost 6 years, so it’s almost a symbol of trust for us.

    But, if you don’t like it or feel comfortable, you don’t have to. Don’t do things just because others like it or find it enjoyable.

  3. Well everyone is different but when I was in a committed relationship I used to let them cum in me all the time.
    Not everyone will like them doing that for many reasons

  4. My wife and I love it. We finish that way 99% of the time. Not doing so would be a major loss for us. Different preferences.

  5. I don’t love it, but my fiancé and I are trying to get pregnant so it’s a necessary thing!

    As far as the smell, YES! Omg that is the most annoying part. I will just take a shower, then have sex and smell super weird and gross and have to take another shower. Than the next morning I’ll wake up and use the bathroom and still smell like cum. It’s so gross so I shower again.

  6. My wife has always wanted me to finish inside her. Once in a while we do something different. After two kids I went and got a vasectomy.

  7. I’m happy with his finishing inside every time, but I tell him that I’d love to spice it up and have him finish on top or in my mouth at times. Ultimately I don’t mind either way since I have the implant and it doesn’t feel different to me.

    You are allowed to do whatever you want with your body! If you don’t like it when he finishes inside, talk to him about it! How about he finishes on your stomach, breasts, or ass and then you can wipe it off afterwards? Your body, your boundaries. I would just advise that when you talk to him, just try to avoid making him feel really bad as he just might not realize. That being said, you are completely within your rights to be firm on what you are into and what you aren’t. Maybe you two can reach a happy compromise.

  8. My SO does every time. On occasion, I’ll ask him to pull out if for example I won’t have time to clean up appropriately. But 95% of the time he does. I typically enjoy it but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with not wanting to do it every time.

  9. Yep, easiest place to put it. I’m not really a fan of any bodily fluids whether it’s his or mine so the less it goes on any other part of my body the better. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  10. My SO lets me cum inside every time if I want. I’ve had a vasectomy as well for this very purpose!

  11. My ex wife who was an absolute nut case about smells, both on herself and myself, I mean, she would never let me finish with her giving me a BJ cause she hated the smell and taste… Would NEVER touch me without a shower, would never have period sex because she hated her smell… Would NEVER let me sleep after sex without us BOTH having a shower, mind you, NOT TOGETHER… After we started dating and having sex with condoms, then we decided to get tested for STDs and she decided to go on the pill… we 100% of the time had bare back sex with me 100% finishing inside her cause she didn’t want to deal with the mess of cum outside. Her routine was to have some TP on the night stand, I finish and would pull out and she would immediately cover her vag with TP and go to the bathroom to pee/let the cum out and immediately jump in the shower. I would be in bed falling asleep, and if I wasn’t ready to go shower just after she came out of the shower, all hell would brake loose.

    Point being, even the most neat freak and cleanliness freak did not mind cum in vag. Everyone… I mean EVERYONE has different tastes and tolerance levels and acceptance levels.

    I am of the opinion that all sex is dirty, AND THIS IS PERFECTLY FINE.

    Due to my ex, I’ve had a hard time with new partners and not being “as clean” as my ex. I’ve tried ( and succeeded ) in having sex with new partners spontaneously, and specially when doing doggie standing up cause we just got home or something, and I get a whiff of an unclean butthole… I have to fight my brain to keep going.

  12. My fiance.. Yep every time.
    Insists on it…. Cumming anywhere else is after first cumming in her.

    She loves it.. As do i

  13. Honestly, condoms aren’t all that bad, and a man WILL get used to it, so long as you stand your ground.

  14. Honestly, it doesn’t matter if it’s an “abnormal” preference or not, it’s YOUR preference and you’re allowed to have it without needing a justification.

  15. Work on your kegels and just push it out in the bathroom afterwards. Of course, it doesn’t stop pregnancy or STI’s, but it gets the bulk out, then you just wash up and you’re done.

  16. I do! My vaginas ph got used to it. I was constantly cum filled. Changing panty liners throughout the day helps.

  17. If one of us was fixed, I’d gladly let him cum in me every damn time. I love it…but we are done having kids.

  18. Every time. I just wash up after and have no issues. Granted I have sex about half as much as you indicate, but still…

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