How would you react if your partner/spouse says that they are the best you are going to get?

  1. I’d explain that saying that is abusive and shitty and if they feel like being with me is somehow doing me a favour that I’m happy to leave and prove them wrong

  2. Just smile and say ok while fully knowing that he is not even the best I’ve had that day.

  3. That would bring the relationship to a screeching halt, very likely. Being single forever would be better than being with someone who thinks that way. What an incredibly shitty manipulative thing to say!

  4. That sounds like a shitty partner. I’d tell them I was better off alone than with them and end the relationship.

  5. I’d go find someone better, because they sound pretty crappy and I doubt it’d be all that tough to find someone better.

  6. I would say well if you feel that way than how about you go and look for someone who thinks the same way you do

  7. Manipulative, abusive bullshit that’s just gonna get worse with time. It’s just one step of many in the process of breaking someone down mentally, making them insecure and dependant enough that they’ll be easy to control and won’t leave, no matter what they’re subjected to.

    I’d end the relationship there and then. If there had been other warning signs prior, and we were alone at home, I’d call a friend or family to come over first, as I would consider threats or even violence a fully realistic risk at that point. I don’t take chances with abusers.

  8. It’d probably be the end of the relationship since I’m polyamorous and have multiple partners, and my partners know I am strictly against comparing or ranking partners. The idea that anybody could be “the best” is antithetical to one of my most core values.

  9. Laugh hard and loudly. Then try to make a serious face and bust out laughing again.

    This is an abusive manipulation tactic as old as time. It’s literally textbook abusive behavior. And so, so, soooo incorrect. I’d break up with him, hop on tinder and take a screenshot of all of the matches you get in one evening. (It will be over 100, I guarantee)

  10. Self-proclaimed people like this are always the opposite. “Nice guy” is in fact an asshole, “not like other girls” is just like other girls, alpha is a pathetic man and a “good person” is a horrible one.

    Someone saying they’re the best you’ll ever get doesn’t only mean the exact opposite – they’ll be amongst the worst ones you’ll ever get – it’s also a huge manipulation tactic. The goal is to make you feel like you should be sooo grateful and sooo happy that they decided to “put up” with you, when nobody else would. Because if you feel like you should be grateful for their affection and love, it will be much easier to keep you trapped in an abusive relationship, than if you knew your self-worth and how much they suck.


    This is a huge red flag and whoever gets into this relationship should run. People deserve so much better than ANYONE who ever says “I’m the best you’ll ever get”.

  11. I would say “same”. Although I cannot even imagine my boyfriend saying that in any way other than as a joke. So I would probably also laugh

  12. If it was someone I was dating I’d laugh and leave.

    If it was my SO I’d laugh and tell him “well yes darling, but I was *very* drunk at the time and now I just can’t be bothered expanding my view so I’ll just sit you out. Gimme kiss?”

  13. I’d reflect back to how much better my life was before they entered it, then drop them. That is usually said by someone with low self-esteem that fears rejection. They need to work on themselves more than I need to be with them.

  14. I would end the relationship.

    People who say this are saying it to scare you out of leaving them. They’re trying to manipulate you. They want you insecure so you’ll put up with them – whether it’s abuse or just the fact that they’re not a good partner. If they convince you that YOU should be grateful to have them, they hold the “power” to treat you poorly, make you feel bad about yourself, and act without fear of consequences.

  15. The fact that they even feel the need to state something like that is already a problem…

  16. If you’ve been told this, you need to get out of the relationship before things get worse. Nobody who loves and respects you would say something like this. I’m really sorry if this is something you’re experiencing, but just know that you absolutely can do better and deserve better. I hope you do what’s best for you, sending nothing but love ❤️

  17. I’ve had an ex say that to me when we were breaking up. I laughed at him and told him, “ I am I can find better man that’s not hard. I’m sure he will be able to learn how to wash his ball and butt crack too.” His face went red. Lol

  18. My ex used to tell me that he’s the most loyal bf that I can ever find and that he is the only one who can handle me cause I’m hard to deal with. My reaction was to believe what he said and eventually I ended up believing that there’s something wrong with me and he’s kind enough to pull up with me. Left me feeling guilty throughout the whole relationship.

    If I could go back in time and change my reaction, it would be to give myself self compassion and question why someone would tell me such a thing? Sure I’m not perfect, but so isn’t my partner. Yet would I tell him something that sort?

  19. I feel like you married a friend of a friend who I know said this. If this person’s name is Simon, run like hell and don’t look back. Treat it like the building is on fire, don’t even stop to grab belongings.

  20. My ex said threw something similar at my face during a fight but it was worded as “you think anyone else is going to treat you the way I do?” And in fights further in the future, he would often accuse me of ‘settling’ and that I was with him cause, I “was afraid I wouldn’t find anyone better” or “have ‘this’ with anyone else” no matter how many times I told him that wasn’t the case

    Talk about projecting 😒

    Next time a partner throws that shit in my face- I’m taking it as a sign to move tf on

  21. With my husband I’d laugh, because we both know he 100% doesn’t believe that and would only be saying it as some sort of joke. If it were anybody else I’d consider that a red flag.

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