Good morning. What are your plans for the day?

  1. Thinking of ways to fix my life up and then falling into a deep depression cause I know I have no chance to fix shit . Welcome to my life , a literal house fire

  2. Avoid watching tv or listening to the radio, so I don’t have see or hear any more of the overbearing outpouring of grief about the Queen dying. Its fucking unbearable!

  3. After a tough week, I’m just looking forward to sitting down and watching the football.. oh wait 😭

  4. I should work out before I shower. Gonna go practice driving and parking with my dad this afternoon. Road tests are booked so far in advance I can’t even scroll through the calendar to choose a date on the website.

    If I’m not insanely stressed and feeling like a huge failure afterwards I’ll probably stay in and read.

  5. Gonna take a morning nap and then a afternoon nap before my evening nap then I might head to bed

  6. Let’s see. Feed the kids, do the laundry, dishes, vacuum, sweep and mop all while drinking and playing Diablo on breaks. Maybe a nap, well see if I have enough time.

  7. AA meeting to set my tone for the day, mechanics to troubleshoot car issues, and the rest of the day is wide open.

  8. Wallow in self pity, eat, sleep, go to the gym, do some chores around the house, go out and get hammered.

  9. Going to the driving range with my dad in the morning then my girl is taking me to the Phillies game tonight. Going to be a good day

  10. Gotta swing by the office to take care of one or two things. Then a bottle share/dinner with some friends. Might get in a workout in the morning, depends on what the wife/kids wants to do when they wake up.

  11. I cleaned my dryer vents yesterday so that’s my productive quoata for the weekend so today it’s a community garage sale and hopefully a bunch of board games

  12. Drop my girlfriend off to work then go to the mechanic to check out this knocking sound under my car


    My wife and I will be headed out about 10:00 to see THE Ohio State Buckeyes and TBDBITL take on Akansas State at noon. We’ll stop for dinner after what (should be) a easy Buckeye victory.

  14. genuinely not tryna humble brag but volunteering at the homeless shelter this morning, donating blood later and then seeing my FWB late tonight after she gets outta work. Also have a great new riff on the guitar i wanna work around. Wanted to play soccer but donating and soccer is a no-no i already often pass out donating as is

  15. I left my girlfriend of two years this morning after another 4am wake up call of emotional manipulation, I’ve reached my breaking point and am ready to live by myself for awhile.

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