If you could improve the way female super heros are portrayed, what would you do? How would you like to see them represented to the next generation?

  1. female superheros with well written characters would be just fine. Until now most have been side characters with little to no story or, more recently, presented as a ‘girl power WOO’ character and both are a little patronising

  2. Less skin tight outfits, especially mech costumes. It really annoys me when I see a mech costume with a waist and boobs put in, like, how come costumes like Ironman’s aren’t shrink wrapped to his body? (That’s rhetorical lol)

    And I’d like to see superheroes with a more complex story rather than ‘uh their boyfriend superhero so they superhero’

  3. I’d love for more to not be about that they’re women. Don’t make it all about “inspiring” everyone like Wonder Woman or Captain Marvel, but also don’t fill their backstories with weird sexual abuse themes like Jessica Jones and Black Widow.

    I think a few that really stand out to me in this regard are Wasp, Batgirl (aside from killing joke)

    I have the same complaint about female super heroes that I do with most representation of gay and trans people. If I’m watching a super hero story, the story should be about a hero that is a woman, not about her being a woman.

  4. I’d like to see them having interesting professions when they’re not superheros (this has started being somewhat incorporated but there’s still room for improvement).

    Or them being advancing in their targets while using their intellect not just their super hero talents.

    Being portrayed less sexualised would also be nice.

  5. Many things. But let’s start simple with them not running around in high heel shoes.

  6. In terms of Marvel movies, I’d have them be sexier and more fun. With the exception of Hela, they are all such stern, drab, asexual killjoys. Why is it only Thor and captain America than can parade around screen being interesting, fun and half naked?

  7. unapologetcally feminine, to show that “girly girls” can also be strong and powerful without having to be overly masculine

  8. Have a tragic backstory that isn’t either lost a child or can’t have children

  9. Them to have decent personalities like men superheroes. I don’t know why they need to make them so horribly unlikeable like Captain Marvel, makes me not want female superheroes at all

  10. More clothes. Why the villains get more clothes and female super heroes get mini skirts and crop tops ?????
    Especially in kids shows. Its very disturbing….

    Also the romance in the films. Im sick and tired of the “my weakness is a man” noooo if you have to give them a weakness make it cooooooolllllll.

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