Maybe it’s can be a dumb question but I have so many difficulty for talking with someone,but I wanna be more social but it’s so hard to me

  1. Practice i guess. You can practice with people you already know or online. And try to have some good questions to ask people (ask them about things they love or things you too have in common or hobbies or school/work). Don’t give very short answers that might indicate that you’re trying to keep the conversation short but also not too long. Try to look and sound more friendly and approachable (facial expressions and tone). And Don’t be afraid to initiate a conversation with someone, if u wanna talk with someone just do it, it might go well and it might not, and that’s okay.

  2. Its not a dumb question at all, i struggled with talking to people for a very long time until i got decent at it.

    One thing you can always start with is finding people with the same interests you have, you already have something in common so your basically half way there, after that just take genuine interest in what someone says and practice active listening.

    Now i don’t know if you have any conditions like social anxiety but assuming you don’t honestly you just gotta keep ramming your head against the wall until you learn how to interact with people, sometimes you need to figure out who you are and how you interact before you can properly start connecting.

    And if your of age go work at a bar or some other job that requires you to talk alot, doesn’t even have to be for very long but it will give you the backbone to talk to anyone since its literally in the job description.

    I went from kinda afraid to meet new people to giving random people i have never met nor will ever see again complements and striking up conversations so its well worth it.

    Hope any of this helps, sometimes talking further can also help to figure out what exactly the trouble is so don’t be afraid to reach out!

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